Colors Color Names Merlot

All about the color Merlot: Merlot Hex #7B3539, Meaning & Combination

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All about the color Merlot: Merlot Hex #7B3539, Meaning & Combination

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Explore color merlot's historical origins, symbolic meaning, how it can be created, colors that complement it, and those similar to it, along with its technical specifications and conversion codes.

Merlot, taking its name from a dark blue wine grape ( variety, is a distinguished color reminiscent of a glass of high-quality Bordeaux wine. With a history as rich as its color, merlot originates from the French name for the blackbird, "merle," likely alluding to the deep, dark color of the grape used in the production of the Merlot wine.

merlot grape harvest farm

The merlot hex color code is #7B3539, a bold and arresting shade, often associated with the autumn season due to its rich, warm undertones. As a color, merlot is an embodiment of elegance and sophistication, reflecting the richness and depth of the red wine it is named after. It is often used to signify power and ambition, and it bears a striking sense of comfort and warmth.

To recreate the merlot color, one would mix a base of red with a touch of blue and black, achieving the perfect balance between the colors. The outcome is an appealing blend that can be further enriched by using variants of the base colors.

Pairing well with a host of shades, merlot particularly shines when set alongside

  • Gold
  • Cream
  • Olive green
  • Deep blue
  • Soft pink

Colors similar to merlot include

  • Maroon
  • Burgundy
  • Crimson
  • Oxblood
  • Carmine

Merlot Color Information (Hex Code #7B3539)

Merlot, defined by hex code #7B3539, is a shade that speaks volumes about its character. In the RGB (Red, Green, Blue) model, it is composed of 48.2% red, 20.8% green, and 22.4% blue. This breaks down to an RGB Decimal code of 123, 53, 57. Its CMYK (Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, Key/Black) composition stands at 0% cyan, 57% magenta, 54% yellow, and 52% black. Meanwhile, in the HSL (Hue, Saturation, Lightness) space, Merlot has a hue of 356.6°, a saturation of 39.8%, and lightness of 34.5%.

Merlot Color Code Conversion

The hexadecimal color of merlot is #7B3539, a deep and rich shade that encaptures the allure of the famous red wine. The conversion of this color into different coding systems allows for accurate representation across various mediums.

Hex 7B3539 #7B3539
RGB Decimal 123, 53, 57 rgb(123,53,57)
RGB Percent 48.2, 20.8, 22.4 rgb(48.2%,20.8%,22.4%)
CMYK 0, 57, 54, 52
HSL 356.6°, 39.8, 34.5 hsl(356.6,39.8%,34.5%)
HSV 356.6°, 56.9, 48.2
Web Safe 663333 #663333
CIE-LAB 31.928, 30.865, 12.497
XYZ 10.18, 7.053, 4.696
CIE-LCH 31.928, 33.299, 22.043
CIE-LUV 31.928, 47.828, 8.184
Hunter-Lab 26.558, 21.945, 8.107
Binary 01111011, 00110101, 00111001


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