Colors Color Shades Cyan Shades of Cyan

75+ Shades of Cyan Color (Names, HEX, RGB, & CMYK Codes)

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75+ Shades of Cyan Color (Names, HEX, RGB, & CMYK Codes)

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If you've ever found yourself stuck in a paint aisle, eyes glazed over, desperately searching for the perfect shade of blue-green, then welcome to our world of cyan confusion!

From the tropical charm of Turquoise Blue to the mysterious allure of Midnight Green, the shades of cyan color are as endless as they are enchanting. You might think choosing a shade of cyan is as easy as picking a crayon from a box, but oh boy, you're in for a turquoise treat!

Ever mixed up Teal with Electric Blue? Been there, painted that! It's like being a kid in a candy store, but instead of sweet treats, you're handed a delightful palette of Aqua, Cerulean, and Skobeloff.

So grab your color wheel, put on your shades (pun intended!), and join us as we explore all the different shades of cyan that we know of. Trust me, it's going to be a colorful ride!

What Color is Cyan?

Cyan is a color that sits at the intersection of blue and green. It has a captivating freshness, mirroring the clear sky on a spring day. An emblem of harmony and vitality, cyan is a favorite among designers for its calming effect.


RGB 0, 255, 255
RGB percentage 0%, 100%, 100%
CMYK 100, 0, 0, 0
HSL 180°, 100, 50

Different Shades of Cyan

Shades of Cyan? More like shades of "Why-an" can't I decide which one to choose! From azure dreams to teal conundrums, we've got the whole Cyan-spectrum mapped out. Names, HEX, RGB, CMYK codes – everything but the kitchen sink.

Dark cyan

Dark Cyan offers a richer and more profound character compared to its lighter counterpart. It evokes a sense of depth and mystery, often reminiscent of deep-sea explorations, making it a versatile choice in various design scenarios.

Dark cyan
HEX #008B8B
RGB 0, 139, 139
RGB percentage 0%, 55%, 55%
CMYK 100, 0, 0, 45
HSL 180°, 100, 27

Light cyan

Light Cyan brings forth an air of delicacy and purity. With a soft touch of green and blue, this shade is like a gentle breeze by the sea, providing a serene backdrop in interior spaces.

Light cyan
RGB 224, 255, 255
RGB percentage 88%, 100%, 100%
CMYK 12, 0, 0, 0
HSL 180°, 100, 94


Teal is a complex blend that embodies a sense of sophistication. Somewhere between blue and green, it provides a unique balance, reflecting the elegance of peacock feathers or the charm of an old-world artifact.

HEX #008080
RGB 0, 128, 128
RGB percentage 0%, 50%, 50%
CMYK 100, 0, 0, 50
HSL 180°, 100, 25


Turquoise, with its inviting and tropical essence, is like a Caribbean escape encapsulated in color. It captures the lively spirit of ocean waves and palm trees, serving as a fantastic accent in fashion and decor.

HEX #40E0D0
RGB 64, 224, 208
RGB percentage 25%, 88%, 82%
CMYK 71, 0, 7, 12
HSL 174°, 72, 56

Electric blue

Electric Blue is a dazzling and energetic color, crackling with intensity. The name itself invites an image of brilliant sparks, making it an exciting option for designs aiming to make a bold statement.

Electric blue
RGB 125, 249, 255
RGB percentage 49%, 98%, 100%
CMYK 51, 2, 0, 0
HSL 183°, 100, 75


Blue-Green is a harmonious fusion of blue and green, reflecting the natural world's wonder. Think of lush forests meeting crystal-clear seas; this color symbolizes growth and tranquility.

RGB 13, 152, 186
RGB percentage 5%, 60%, 73%
CMYK 93, 18, 0, 27
HSL 192°, 87, 39

Charleston green

Charleston Green is unique in its near-black appearance with just a hint of color. This depth and richness capture the historical elegance of the old South, offering an air of sophistication and understated boldness.

Charleston green
HEX #232B2B
RGB 35, 43, 43
RGB percentage 14%, 17%, 17%
CMYK 19, 0, 0, 83
HSL 180°, 10, 15

Cyan Blue

Cyan Blue is a charismatic combination of blue with a touch of green, providing an inviting and energetic vibe. It's a versatile color, perfect for creating a youthful and modern atmosphere.

Cyan Blue
HEX #15A3C7
RGB 21, 163, 199
RGB percentage 8%, 64%, 78%
CMYK 89, 18, 0, 22
HSL 192°, 81, 43


Aqua, an alluring blend of blue and green, mirrors the color of clear tropical waters. Whether you're designing a bathroom or looking for a refreshing pop of color, aqua brings a splash of coastal charm.

RGB 0, 255, 255
RGB percentage 0%, 100%, 100%
CMYK 100, 0, 0, 0
HSL 180°, 100, 50


Azure, a sky-blue shade, reflects the clear and unclouded sky. It's the embodiment of freedom, open space, and relaxation, providing a calming effect in any design scheme.

RGB 240, 255, 255
RGB percentage 94%, 100%, 100%
CMYK 6, 0, 0, 0
HSL 180°, 100, 97

Caribbean Current

Caribbean Current, a color that takes its inspiration from the flowing waters of the Caribbean Sea, brings a tropical and exotic flair. It’s like having a piece of paradise wherever you choose to use it.

Caribbean Current
HEX #006D6F
RGB 0, 109, 111
RGB percentage 0%, 43%, 44%
CMYK 100, 2, 0, 56
HSL 181°, 100, 22


Celeste brings an ethereal quality, as soft and airy as a clear morning sky. Named after the Italian word for sky, this delicate shade evokes peaceful emotions and is often associated with purity and freshness.

RGB 178, 255, 255
RGB percentage 70%, 100%, 100%
CMYK 30, 0, 0, 0
HSL 180°, 100, 85


Keppel, with its engaging green-blue color, is as unique as the island it's named after. Its vibrancy provides an exotic touch, making it an intriguing choice for those looking to add some spice to their design.

RGB 58, 176, 158
RGB percentage 23%, 69%, 62%
CMYK 67, 0, 10, 31
HSL 171°, 50, 46

Light sea green

Light Sea Green is a soothing blend that takes you on a journey to tranquil coastal shores. Imagine the soft murmur of ocean waves and the cool shade of beachside trees; this color is a serene escape from the everyday.

Light sea green
RGB 32, 178, 170
RGB percentage 13%, 70%, 67%
CMYK 82, 0, 4, 30
HSL 177°, 70, 41

Alice Blue

Alice Blue, named after Alice Roosevelt, is a delicate pale blue that exudes class and sophistication. It carries with it a touch of nostalgia and timeless grace, perfect for an elegant setting.

Alice Blue
RGB 240, 248, 255
RGB percentage 94%, 97%, 100%
CMYK 6, 3, 0, 0
HSL 208°, 100, 97


Anthocyanin, a color found in plants, captures nature's vibrancy. This shade of cyan adds a lively twist, reflecting the very essence of life and growth. It connects design with nature's whimsical charm.

HEX #882E5F
RGB 136, 46, 95
RGB percentage 53%, 18%, 37%
CMYK 0, 66, 30, 47
HSL 327°, 49, 36


Aquamarine, the gemstone's hue, is a gorgeous blend of green and blue that glimmers with watery light. This shade reflects purity, calm, and relaxation, often used to create a spa-like atmosphere.

RGB 127, 255, 212
RGB percentage 50%, 100%, 83%
CMYK 50, 0, 17, 0
HSL 160°, 100, 75

Pastel Blue Green

Pastel Blue Green is a gentle and calming shade that evokes feelings of peacefulness. Its soft touch is reminiscent of a serene lake or a fresh morning dew, providing a soothing presence in any room.

Pastel Blue Green
RGB 165, 227, 224
RGB percentage 65%, 89%, 88%
CMYK 27, 0, 1, 11
HSL 177°, 53, 77

Bold Cyan

Bold Cyan showcases confidence and vividness. Its eye-catching intensity is perfect for making a strong statement, capturing attention with its vibrant energy and contemporary flair.

Bold Cyan
RGB 9, 191, 201
RGB percentage 4%, 75%, 79%
CMYK 96, 5, 0, 21
HSL 183°, 91, 41

Bright Cyan

Bright Cyan is like a burst of freshness on a sunny day. This energizing shade brings joy and liveliness wherever it's used, making it a great choice for adding some zest to a space.

Bright Cyan
RGB 9, 208, 239
RGB percentage 4%, 82%, 94%
CMYK 96, 13, 0, 6
HSL 188°, 93, 49

Bright Turquoise

Bright Turquoise exudes tropical allure, capturing the lively spirit of island getaways. This engaging color brightens up any design with its playful charm, reminiscent of sun-kissed beaches and sparkling seas.

Bright Turquoise
RGB 8, 232, 222
RGB percentage 3%, 91%, 87%
CMYK 97, 0, 4, 9
HSL 177°, 93, 47


Bubbles is a light and effervescent cyan, full of whimsy and joy. Its delicate and fun-loving nature adds a touch of playfulness, perfect for children's rooms or whimsical designs.

RGB 231, 254, 255
RGB percentage 91%, 100%, 100%
CMYK 9, 0, 0, 0
HSL 183°, 100, 95

Cadet Blue

Cadet Blue is a muted shade that offers a sense of stability and reliability. Its subdued tone provides a timeless quality, making it suitable for both traditional and modern designs.

Cadet Blue
RGB 95, 158, 160
RGB percentage 37%, 62%, 63%
CMYK 41, 1, 0, 37
HSL 182°, 25, 50


Cerulean takes its name from the Latin word for sky and sea, capturing a hue that's calm and refreshing. This shade provides a relaxing and peaceful aura, like gazing into a clear blue sky or tranquil sea.

HEX #007BA7
RGB 0, 123, 167
RGB percentage 0%, 48%, 65%
CMYK 100, 26, 0, 35
HSL 196°, 100, 33

Chinese Cyan

Chinese Cyan, a rich blend of blue and green, adds an exotic touch, reflecting the depth of traditional Chinese culture. Its mesmerizing allure is perfect for adding a touch of sophistication to any design.

Chinese Cyan
RGB 96, 176, 174
RGB percentage 38%, 69%, 68%
CMYK 45, 0, 1, 31
HSL 179°, 34, 53

Columbia Blue

Columbia Blue, a light sky blue, is synonymous with clarity and freshness. Often associated with educational institutions, this color reflects intellect and growth, providing an environment of innovation and learning.

Columbia Blue
RGB 196, 216, 226
RGB percentage 77%, 85%, 89%
CMYK 13, 4, 0, 11
HSL 200°, 34, 83

Cyan (subtractive)

Cyan (subtractive) is a variant of cyan used in color printing. Its particular shade offers a print-friendly option while retaining the essential freshness and vitality of its counterparts.

Cyan (subtractive)
RGB 0, 183, 235
RGB percentage 0%, 72%, 92%
CMYK 100, 22, 0, 8
HSL 193°, 100, 46


Cyaneus, a vibrant shade of blue, is rich and engaging, reflecting an intensity that's captivating and full of character. Its boldness makes it stand out, making it a great choice for those looking to make a statement.

HEX #557EA2
RGB 85, 126, 162
RGB percentage 33%, 49%, 64%
CMYK 48, 22, 0, 36
HSL 208°, 31, 48

Dark Electric Blue

Dark Electric Blue is a moody and intense hue, evoking a sense of intrigue and mystery. This color provides depth and character, suitable for designs that aim to create a sophisticated atmosphere.

Dark Electric Blue
HEX #536878
RGB 83, 104, 120
RGB percentage 33%, 41%, 47%
CMYK 31, 13, 0, 53
HSL 206°, 18, 40

Dark Turquoise

Dark Turquoise offers a depth and richness that's both inviting and luxurious. This shade of turquoise is versatile and stylish, perfect for adding an elegant touch to various designs.

Dark Turquoise
RGB 0, 206, 209
RGB percentage 0%, 81%, 82%
CMYK 100, 1, 0, 18
HSL 181°, 100, 41

Deep Cyan

Deep Cyan takes you to the ocean's depths, capturing the mysteries of the underwater world. Its profound color provides a striking contrast and offers a different perspective, making it an exciting design choice.

Deep Cyan
HEX #008584
RGB 0, 133, 132
RGB percentage 0%, 52%, 52%
CMYK 100, 0, 1, 48
HSL 180°, 100, 26


Diamond, with its sparkling light cyan shade, reflects purity and brilliance. It captures the very essence of precious gemstones, adding a touch of luxury and glamour to any design.

RGB 185, 242, 255
RGB percentage 73%, 95%, 100%
CMYK 27, 5, 0, 0
HSL 191°, 100, 86

Dull Cyan

Dull Cyan is a subdued version that offers a more relaxed and understated elegance. Its muted tones provide a calming effect, making it suitable for designs aiming for tranquility and balance.

Dull Cyan
HEX #749E9F
RGB 116, 158, 159
RGB percentage 45%, 62%, 62%
CMYK 27, 1, 0, 38
HSL 181°, 18, 54

Electric Cyan

Electric Cyan is a vibrant and energizing color that crackles with life. It's like a spark of creativity, perfect for innovative designs or when you want to add a lively touch to a room or wardrobe.

Electric Cyan
RGB 15, 240, 252
RGB percentage 6%, 94%, 99%
CMYK 94, 5, 0, 1
HSL 183°, 98, 52

Fresh Air

Fresh Air, a light and airy shade of cyan, breathes life into any space. It captures the feeling of a refreshing breeze, adding a touch of vitality and openness to your design.

Fresh Air
RGB 166, 231, 255
RGB percentage 65%, 91%, 100%
CMYK 35, 9, 0, 0
HSL 196°, 100, 83

Glossy Cyan

Glossy Cyan, with its shiny and bright appearance, adds a modern and sleek touch. Its reflective quality is perfect for designs aiming for a contemporary look, reflecting light and vibrancy.

Glossy Cyan
RGB 19, 218, 233
RGB percentage 7%, 85%, 91%
CMYK 92, 6, 0, 9
HSL 184°, 85, 49

Green Cyan

Green Cyan is a refreshing blend of green and blue, reflecting the natural world's harmony. It provides a peaceful and calming effect, perfect for designs aiming to create a soothing environment.

Green Cyan
HEX #009966
RGB 0, 153, 102
RGB percentage 0%, 60%, 40%
CMYK 100, 0, 33, 40
HSL 160°, 100, 30

Italian Sky Blue

Italian Sky Blue, a delicate shade that mirrors the sky's clearness over Italy, brings European charm and romance. Its soft hue adds elegance and a sense of wanderlust to any design scheme.

Italian Sky Blue
RGB 178, 252, 255
RGB percentage 70%, 99%, 100%
CMYK 30, 1, 0, 0
HSL 182°, 100, 85

Matte Cyan

Matte Cyan, with its flat and unshiny appearance, offers a subtle and sophisticated look. Its understated elegance provides a modern touch, perfect for creating a calm and refined atmosphere.

Matte Cyan
RGB 14, 184, 190
RGB percentage 5%, 72%, 75%
CMYK 93, 3, 0, 25
HSL 182°, 86, 40

Medium Sky Blue

Medium Sky Blue captures the sky's color on a clear and bright day. It's a universally appealing shade that brings freshness and openness, perfect for creating an uplifting environment.

Medium Sky Blue
RGB 128, 218, 235
RGB percentage 50%, 85%, 92%
CMYK 46, 7, 0, 8
HSL 190°, 73, 71

Medium Turquoise

Medium Turquoise is a balanced blend that offers versatility and style. Its engaging hue works well in various settings, reflecting both the liveliness of turquoise and the calming effect of blue-green.

Medium Turquoise
RGB 72, 209, 204
RGB percentage 28%, 82%, 80%
CMYK 66, 0, 2, 18
HSL 178°, 60, 55

Metallic Cyan

Metallic Cyan shines with a futuristic and sleek appearance. Its metallic sheen adds an industrial and modern touch, making it an exciting option for contemporary designs.

Metallic Cyan
RGB 55, 245, 235
RGB percentage 22%, 96%, 92%
CMYK 78, 0, 4, 4
HSL 177°, 90, 59

Midnight green

Midnight Green is a deep and intense color, rich with intrigue and elegance. It's like the forest at night, mysterious and alluring, perfect for adding depth and sophistication.

Midnight green
HEX #004953
RGB 0, 73, 83
RGB percentage 0%, 29%, 33%
CMYK 100, 12, 0, 67
HSL 187°, 100, 16


Mint, a fresh and lively green, offers a cool and rejuvenating touch. Its refreshing nature brings a sense of vitality, making it an excellent choice for designs aiming to energize and renew.

HEX #3EB489
RGB 62, 180, 137
RGB percentage 24%, 71%, 54%
CMYK 66, 0, 24, 29
HSL 158°, 49, 47

Mint Green

Mint Green, with its soft and calming effect, is like a gentle touch of spring. Its soothing quality is perfect for creating a relaxing and harmonious environment, whether in fashion or interior design.

Mint Green
HEX #98FF98
RGB 152, 255, 152
RGB percentage 60%, 100%, 60%
CMYK 40, 0, 40, 0
HSL 120°, 100, 80


Moonstone, a pale and mystical shade of cyan, captures the moon's ethereal glow. Its otherworldly charm adds a touch of mystery and wonder, perfect for designs aiming to create an enchanting atmosphere.

RGB 58, 168, 193
RGB percentage 23%, 66%, 76%
CMYK 70, 13, 0, 24
HSL 191°, 54, 49

Myrtle green

Myrtle Green, a dark green with a hint of blue, exudes a timeless quality. Named after the evergreen myrtle plant, this shade provides a sense of stability and growth, ideal for designs aiming for a natural feel.

Myrtle green
HEX #21421E
RGB 33, 66, 30
RGB percentage 13%, 26%, 12%
CMYK 50, 0, 55, 74
HSL 115°, 38, 19

Neon Cyan

Neon Cyan is bold and lively, full of electric energy. It's a fun and youthful color, perfect for adding a splash of excitement and modern flair to any design project.

Neon Cyan
RGB 75, 240, 252
RGB percentage 29%, 94%, 99%
CMYK 70, 5, 0, 1
HSL 184°, 97, 64

Neutral Cyan

Neutral Cyan is a balanced and calming shade, providing a versatile backdrop for various design themes. Its neutrality offers a soothing touch, perfect for creating an atmosphere of relaxation and simplicity.

Neutral Cyan
HEX #8E9899
RGB 142, 152, 153
RGB percentage 56%, 60%, 60%
CMYK 7, 1, 0, 40
HSL 185°, 5, 58

Pale Aqua

Pale Aqua is soft and serene, capturing the gentle touch of water and sky. Its delicate nature adds a soothing and refreshing ambiance, perfect for a calming and restful design.

Pale Aqua
RGB 169, 246, 246
RGB percentage 66%, 96%, 96%
CMYK 31, 0, 0, 4
HSL 180°, 81, 81

Pale Blue

Pale Blue is a gentle and soothing color that evokes feelings of tranquility and peace. Its light touch is perfect for creating an airy and relaxing atmosphere, suitable for bedrooms and calm spaces.

Pale Blue
RGB 175, 238, 238
RGB percentage 69%, 93%, 93%
CMYK 26, 0, 0, 7
HSL 180°, 65, 81

Pale Cyan

Pale Cyan is a soft and refreshing shade, perfect for those looking to add a touch of delicacy and serenity. Its lightness provides an atmosphere of relaxation and ease, perfect for peaceful designs.

Pale Cyan
RGB 192, 237, 242
RGB percentage 75%, 93%, 95%
CMYK 21, 2, 0, 5
HSL 186°, 66, 85

Pale Turquoise

Pale Turquoise, with its soft and soothing qualities, provides a gentle touch. It's like a calming sea breeze, perfect for creating an atmosphere of tranquility and peacefulness in any room.

Pale Turquoise
RGB 175, 238, 238
RGB percentage 69%, 93%, 93%
CMYK 26, 0, 0, 7
HSL 180°, 65, 81

Pastel Cyan

Pastel Cyan is gentle and calming, with a soft charm that adds a touch of elegance. Its subtle intensity is perfect for creating a soothing atmosphere, allowing for balance and relaxation in any design.

Pastel Cyan
RGB 164, 216, 216
RGB percentage 64%, 85%, 85%
CMYK 24, 0, 0, 15
HSL 180°, 40, 75

Peacock blue

Peacock blue is a rich and vibrant shade that captures the beauty of a peacock's feathers. Its captivating allure is perfect for adding a touch of exotic charm and sophistication to any design.

Peacock blue
HEX #004958
RGB 0, 73, 88
RGB percentage 0%, 29%, 35%
CMYK 100, 17, 0, 65
HSL 190°, 100, 17

Persian Green

Persian Green, an intense green-blue hue, is rich with historical elegance. Named after Persian art and culture, this luxurious color adds a touch of grandeur and refinement to any design scenario.

Persian Green
HEX #00A693
RGB 0, 166, 147
RGB percentage 0%, 65%, 58%
CMYK 100, 0, 11, 35
HSL 173°, 100, 33

Pine Green

Pine Green, a deep and earthy green with a touch of blue, reflects the stately pine tree's elegance. Its natural and grounding effect adds a sense of stability and growth, perfect for both traditional and modern designs.

Pine Green
HEX #01796F
RGB 1, 121, 111
RGB percentage 0%, 47%, 44%
CMYK 99, 0, 8, 53
HSL 175°, 98, 24

Powder Blue

Powder Blue, a soft and calming shade, evokes feelings of freshness and cleanliness. Its delicate charm is perfect for creating a serene and peaceful atmosphere, suitable for bathrooms and bedrooms alike.

Powder Blue
RGB 176, 224, 230
RGB percentage 69%, 88%, 90%
CMYK 23, 3, 0, 10
HSL 187°, 52, 80

Retro Cyan

Retro Cyan takes you back in time, capturing the nostalgic charm of bygone eras. Its vintage appeal adds character and warmth, perfect for adding a touch of history and personality to your design.

Retro Cyan
RGB 105, 171, 171
RGB percentage 41%, 67%, 67%
CMYK 39, 0, 0, 33
HSL 180°, 28, 54

Robin egg blue

Robin egg blue, named after the color of a robin's egg, is a soft and delicate shade. Its gentle charm is synonymous with new beginnings and hope, providing a refreshing and positive vibe.

Robin egg blue
RGB 150, 222, 209
RGB percentage 59%, 87%, 82%
CMYK 32, 0, 6, 13
HSL 169°, 52, 73

Sea Green

Sea Green reflects the ocean's calming depths, providing a sense of peace and tranquility. Its soothing quality is perfect for creating a serene and relaxing environment, reflecting nature's beauty.

Sea Green
HEX #2E8B57
RGB 46, 139, 87
RGB percentage 18%, 55%, 34%
CMYK 67, 0, 37, 45
HSL 146°, 50, 36


Skobeloff, a deep turquoise-green, is rich and engaging. Its unique character adds depth and intrigue, making it an exciting choice for those looking to create a bold and captivating design.

HEX #007474
RGB 0, 116, 116
RGB percentage 0%, 45%, 45%
CMYK 100, 0, 0, 55
HSL 180°, 100, 23

Sky Blue

Sky Blue, the very essence of a clear sky, provides a sense of openness and freedom. Its refreshing nature makes it a favorite for creating a light and uplifting atmosphere, perfect for any room.

Sky Blue
RGB 135, 206, 235
RGB percentage 53%, 81%, 92%
CMYK 43, 12, 0, 8
HSL 197°, 71, 73

Sky blue (Crayola)

Sky blue (Crayola) is a vibrant and lively shade that captures the joy of childhood. Its playful charm adds a touch of whimsy and fun, perfect for children's rooms or creative spaces.

Sky blue (Crayola)
RGB 128, 218, 235
RGB percentage 50%, 85%, 92%
CMYK 46, 7, 0, 8
HSL 190°, 73, 71

Soft Cyan

Soft Cyan is gentle and soothing, providing a delicate touch to any design. Its calming effect is perfect for creating a relaxing environment, whether in fashion, interior design, or digital media.

Soft Cyan
RGB 178, 243, 243
RGB percentage 70%, 95%, 95%
CMYK 27, 0, 0, 5
HSL 180°, 73, 83

Spring Green

Spring Green, a fresh and lively shade, captures the essence of new beginnings. Its rejuvenating quality reflects growth and renewal, making it a great choice for those looking to add vitality and freshness to their designs.

Spring Green
RGB 0, 255, 127
RGB percentage 0%, 100%, 50%
CMYK 100, 0, 50, 0
HSL 150°, 100, 50

Strong Cyan

Strong Cyan, with its bold and assertive character, makes a statement. Its vibrant intensity is perfect for capturing attention and adding a lively touch to various design scenarios.

Strong Cyan
RGB 51, 236, 245
RGB percentage 20%, 93%, 96%
CMYK 79, 4, 0, 4
HSL 183°, 91, 58

Teal Blue

Teal Blue, a rich blend of blue and green, provides a sophisticated touch. Its balanced character adds a touch of elegance and luxury, making it a versatile choice for various design styles.

Teal Blue
HEX #367588
RGB 54, 117, 136
RGB percentage 21%, 46%, 53%
CMYK 60, 14, 0, 47
HSL 194°, 43, 37

Tiffany Blue

Tiffany Blue, the iconic color of the Tiffany brand, exudes elegance and sophistication. Its delicate charm adds a touch of luxury and timeless grace, perfect for adding a refined touch to any design.

Tiffany Blue
RGB 10, 186, 181
RGB percentage 4%, 73%, 71%
CMYK 95, 0, 3, 27
HSL 178°, 90, 38

Turquoise Blue

Turquoise Blue, a vibrant and engaging shade, reflects the beauty of tropical seas. Its lively character adds a splash of excitement, perfect for those seeking to add a touch of tropical flair to their design.

Turquoise Blue
RGB 0, 255, 239
RGB percentage 0%, 100%, 94%
CMYK 100, 0, 6, 0
HSL 176°, 100, 50


Verdigris, a greenish-blue pigment, has a rich history and unique charm. Its aged appearance adds character and depth, perfect for adding a rustic and historical touch to your design.

RGB 67, 179, 174
RGB percentage 26%, 70%, 68%
CMYK 63, 0, 3, 30
HSL 177°, 46, 48

Viridian Green

Viridian Green, a deep and vibrant green-blue, exudes artistic elegance. Its intense character adds a touch of sophistication and depth, perfect for those looking to create a dramatic and stylish effect.

Viridian Green
HEX #009698
RGB 0, 150, 152
RGB percentage 0%, 59%, 60%
CMYK 100, 1, 0, 40
HSL 181°, 100, 30

Vivid Cyan

Vivid Cyan is bold and energetic, full of life and vibrancy. Its strong character is perfect for making a statement, adding a splash of excitement and creativity to any design project.

Vivid Cyan
RGB 0, 234, 255
RGB percentage 0%, 92%, 100%
CMYK 100, 8, 0, 0
HSL 185°, 100, 50

Vivid Sky Blue

Vivid Sky Blue, reflecting the clear and bright sky's color, is refreshing and invigorating. Its lively character adds a touch of freshness and excitement, perfect for creating an open and energetic atmosphere.

Vivid Sky Blue
RGB 0, 204, 255
RGB percentage 0%, 80%, 100%
CMYK 100, 20, 0, 0
HSL 192°, 100, 50


Waterspout, a light and playful shade, reflects the joyful dance of water. Its refreshing character adds a lively touch, perfect for creating a fun and energetic ambiance in any design scenario.

RGB 164, 244, 249
RGB percentage 64%, 96%, 98%
CMYK 34, 2, 0, 2
HSL 184°, 88, 81


Zomp, a greenish-blue color, offers a unique and engaging touch. Its uncommon name and vibrant shade add intrigue and individuality, making it an exciting and unconventional choice for modern and creative designs.

HEX #39A78D
RGB 57, 167, 141
RGB percentage 22%, 65%, 55%
CMYK 66, 0, 16, 35
HSL 166°, 49, 44

Shades of Cyan Color Conversion Chart


Cyan #00FFFF 0, 255, 255 100, 0, 0, 0
Dark cyan #008B8B 0, 139, 139 100, 0, 0, 45
Light cyan #E0FFFF 224, 255, 255 12, 0, 0, 0
Teal #008080 0, 128, 128 100, 0, 0, 50
Turquoise #40E0D0 64, 224, 208 71, 0, 7, 12
Electric blue #7DF9FF 125, 249, 255 51, 2, 0, 0
Blue-green #0D98BA 13, 152, 186 93, 18, 0, 27
Charleston green #232B2B 35, 43, 43 19, 0, 0, 83
Cyan Blue #15A3C7 21, 163, 199 89, 18, 0, 22
Aqua #00FFFF 0, 255, 255 100, 0, 0, 0
Azure #F0FFFF 240, 255, 255 6, 0, 0, 0
Caribbean Current #006D6F 0, 109, 111 100, 2, 0, 56
Celeste #B2FFFF 178, 255, 255 30, 0, 0, 0
Keppel #3AB09E 58, 176, 158 67, 0, 10, 31
Light sea green #20B2AA 32, 178, 170 82, 0, 4, 30
Alice Blue #F0F8FF 240, 248, 255 6, 3, 0, 0
Anthocyanin #882E5F 136, 46, 95 0, 66, 30, 47
Aquamarine #7FFFD4 127, 255, 212 50, 0, 17, 0
Pastel Blue Green  #A5E3E0 165, 227, 224 27, 0, 1, 11
Bold Cyan #09BFC9 9, 191, 201 96, 5, 0, 21
Bright Cyan #09D0EF 9, 208, 239 96, 13, 0, 6
Bright Turquoise #08E8DE 8, 232, 222 97, 0, 4, 9
Bubbles #E7FEFF 231, 254, 255 9, 0, 0, 0
Cadet Blue #5F9EA0 95, 158, 160 41, 1, 0, 37
Cerulean #007BA7 0, 123, 167 100, 26, 0, 35
Chinese Cyan #60B0AE 96, 176, 174 45, 0, 1, 31
Columbia Blue #C4D8E2 196, 216, 226 13, 4, 0, 11
Cyan (subtractive) #00B7EB 0, 183, 235 100, 22, 0, 8
Cyaneus #557EA2 85, 126, 162 48, 22, 0, 36
Dark Electric Blue #536878 83, 104, 120 31, 13, 0, 53
Dark Turquoise #00CED1 0, 206, 209 100, 1, 0, 18
Deep Cyan #008584 0, 133, 132 100, 0, 1, 48
Diamond #B9F2FF 185, 242, 255 27, 5, 0, 0
Dull Cyan #749E9F 116, 158, 159 27, 1, 0, 38
Electric Cyan #0FF0FC 15, 240, 252 94, 5, 0, 1
Fresh Air #A6E7FF 166, 231, 255 35, 9, 0, 0
Glossy Cyan #13DAE9 19, 218, 233 92, 6, 0, 9
Green Cyan #009966 0, 153, 102 100, 0, 33, 40
Italian Sky Blue #B2FCFF 178, 252, 255 30, 1, 0, 0
Matte Cyan #0EB8BE 14, 184, 190 93, 3, 0, 25
Medium Sky Blue #80DAEB 128, 218, 235 46, 7, 0, 8
Medium Turquoise #48D1CC 72, 209, 204 66, 0, 2, 18
Metallic Cyan #37F5EB 55, 245, 235 78, 0, 4, 4
Midnight green #004953 0, 73, 83 100, 12, 0, 67
Mint #3EB489 62, 180, 137 66, 0, 24, 29
Mint Green #98FF98 152, 255, 152 40, 0, 40, 0
Moonstone #3AA8C1 58, 168, 193 70, 13, 0, 24
Myrtle green #21421E 33, 66, 30 50, 0, 55, 74
Neon Cyan #4BF0FC 75, 240, 252 70, 5, 0, 1
Neutral Cyan #8E9899 142, 152, 153 7, 1, 0, 40
Pale Aqua #A9F6F6 169, 246, 246 31, 0, 0, 4
Pale Blue #AFEEEE 175, 238, 238 26, 0, 0, 7
Pale Cyan #C0EDF2 192, 237, 242 21, 2, 0, 5
Pale Turquoise #AFEEEE 175, 238, 238 26, 0, 0, 7
Pastel Cyan #A4D8D8 164, 216, 216 24, 0, 0, 15
Peacock blue #004958 0, 73, 88 100, 17, 0, 65
Persian Green #00A693 0, 166, 147 100, 0, 11, 35
Pine Green #01796F 1, 121, 111 99, 0, 8, 53
Powder Blue #B0E0E6 176, 224, 230 23, 3, 0, 10
Retro Cyan #69ABAB 105, 171, 171 39, 0, 0, 33
Robin egg blue #96DED1 150, 222, 209 32, 0, 6, 13
Sea Green #2E8B57 46, 139, 87 67, 0, 37, 45
Skobeloff #007474 0, 116, 116 100, 0, 0, 55
Sky Blue #87CEEB 135, 206, 235 43, 12, 0, 8
Sky blue (Crayola) #80DAEB 128, 218, 235 46, 7, 0, 8
Soft Cyan #B2F3F3 178, 243, 243 27, 0, 0, 5
Spring Green #00FF7F 0, 255, 127 100, 0, 50, 0
Strong Cyan #33ECF5 51, 236, 245 79, 4, 0, 4
Teal Blue #367588 54, 117, 136 60, 14, 0, 47
Tiffany Blue #0ABAB5 10, 186, 181 95, 0, 3, 27
Turquoise Blue #00FFEF 0, 255, 239 100, 0, 6, 0
Verdigris #43B3AE 67, 179, 174 63, 0, 3, 30
Viridian Green #009698 0, 150, 152 100, 1, 0, 40
Vivid Cyan #00EAFF 0, 234, 255 100, 8, 0, 0
Vivid Sky Blue #00CCFF 0, 204, 255 100, 20, 0, 0
Waterspout #A4F4F9 164, 244, 249 34, 2, 0, 2
Zomp #39A78D 57, 167, 141 66, 0, 16, 35

FAQ about Cyan Color

What color is cyan?

Cyan is a bright, aqua-blue color that falls between green and blue on the color spectrum. It's one of the primary colors used in the subtractive color model and is often associated with clarity and freshness.

What colors make cyan?

In the additive color model, cyan is created by combining equal parts of green and blue light. In the subtractive color model, such as in printing, cyan is one of the primary colors and is typically used on its own.

How to make cyan color?

You can make the cyan color by mixing equal parts of green and blue in a digital setting like an RGB color model. In painting, you might mix blue with a touch of green and white to achieve a cyan-like shade.

What colors go with cyan?

Cyan pairs beautifully with complementary colors like red and shades of orange. It also works well with neutrals, dark blues, and greys. Its versatile nature allows it to blend seamlessly with various color palettes.

Is cyan a color?

Yes, cyan is indeed a color. It is one of the primary colors in the subtractive color model and is used widely in printing, design, and art.

Is cyan blue or green?

Cyan is a color that falls between blue and green on the color spectrum. It shares characteristics with both colors, which gives it its unique and vibrant appearance.

Is cyan the same as turquoise?

Cyan and turquoise are often used interchangeably, but they are not exactly the same. Turquoise is generally softer and can lean more towards blue or green, whereas cyan is a more specific and balanced mixture of blue and green.

Is cyan basically blue?

Cyan is not basically blue, although it shares similarities with blue. It's a distinct color that lies between blue and green, containing equal parts of both in the RGB model.

What color is cyan from?

Cyan is derived from the combination of green and blue. It's a primary color in the subtractive model and a secondary color in the additive model.

Are there different shades of cyan?

Yes, there are various shades of cyan, ranging from bright and vivid to soft and muted. Some examples include turquoise, aqua, and electric blue. These shades may vary in their balance of blue and green.

What is the hex code of cyan color?

The hex code for the standard cyan color is #00FFFF. It corresponds to the combination of red, green, and blue channels in a digital color space, where the green and blue are at full intensity.

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