Colors Color Shades Shades of Wine Wine

25+ Shades of Wine Color (Names, HEX, RGB & CMYK Codes)

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25+ Shades of Wine Color (Names, HEX, RGB & CMYK Codes)

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In this guide we are going to look at the many different shades of wine that exist. Wine has been around for centuries and its beautiful colors have captivated us all. From light rosé wines with delicate hues to deep burgundy, there is so much variety in this beloved drinkable art form.

We’ll dive into how these various shades of wine come to be and why they’re so mesmerizing. You may not know it, but the color of wine is determined by several factors like grapes used, winemaking process, blend components and aging method.

We'll also take a look at how these colors are described — from their traditional names to modern hex codes which make them widely recognizable across digital platforms.

What Color is Wine?

According to Wikipedia, Wine has a hex color code of #722F37, but it's more than just a color. It’s an incredibly complex and varied shade, depending on the variety of grapes used to produce the wine - from Merlot to Cabernet Sauvignon – each resulting in its own unique flavor profile.

Red wines are usually closer to maroon or burgundy than purples hues; whites tend toward amber and yellow-green tones that deepen over time with oxidation. Iridescent pink roses have become increasingly popular as well, presenting yet another hue variation within this diverse family of beverages.

Wine has been around for centuries and continues to be enjoyed by millions all over the world today — revered not only for its flavors but also because of its association with culture and relaxation.

Its beautiful, deep hues make it a favorite of artisans and designers alike. Whether you’re sipping on pinot noir or toasting with bubbly champagne, the color of wine is truly something special.


HEX #722F37
RGB 114, 47, 55
RGB percentage 45%, 18%, 22%
CMYK 0, 59, 52, 55
HSL 353°, 42%, 32%

Different Shades of Wine

Here you will discover a diverse array of color names, hex codes, RGB value pairs, and CMYK four-color combos—all related to different types of wines. Whether you're looking for Maroon or Cabernet, this comprehensive guide has got all your needs covered.


Burgundy is the shade of Wine most commonly associated with a deep, dark reddish-brown color and is often used to describe grapes. It has an intense richness that stands out and is often described as having a luxuriant boldness. With its deep, almost velvety depths of color it creates a richly saturated mood.

HEX #800020
RGB 128, 0, 32
RGB percentage 50%, 0%, 13%
CMYK 0, 100, 75, 50
HSL 345°, 100%, 25%


Claret is known for its complex but balanced hue as well as the bright red or pinkish combination with amber tints. This universally appealing shade can be used to create vibrancy in any setting due to its vibrant yet elegant appearance.

HEX #7F1734
RGB 127, 23, 52
RGB percentage 50%, 9%, 20%
CMYK 0, 82, 59, 50
HSL 343°, 69%, 29%

Wine Dregs

Wine Dregs refers to the darker more subdued shades which naturally develop from persistent grape skins left behind after fermentation. These provide soft purples and blues; creating sumptuous tones ideal for adding luxurious depth into your home decor scheme.

Wine Dregs
HEX #673147
RGB 103, 49, 71
RGB percentage 40%, 19%, 28%
CMYK 0, 52, 31, 60
HSL 336°, 36%, 30%


Malbec is a deep, smoky purple-red with hints of mauve and blue. Its velvety nature creates an intense richness that adds passion and vibrancy to any space.

HEX #9B0047
RGB 155, 0, 71
RGB percentage 61%, 0%, 28%
CMYK 0, 100, 54, 39
HSL 333°, 100%, 30%


Maroon is a deep, rich red with hints of brown and purple. Its warmth creates an inviting atmosphere while its burgundy undertones offer luxurious depth.

HEX #800000
RGB 128, 0, 0
RGB percentage 50%, 0%, 0%
CMYK 0, 100, 100, 50
HSL 0°, 100%, 25%


Merlot is a deep and complex shade of red, with touches of mauve, plum, violet and blue. This full-bodied hue creates an intense feeling ideal for any special event or home decor.

HEX #7F171F
RGB 127, 23, 31
RGB percentage 50%, 9%, 12%
CMYK 0, 82, 76, 50
HSL 355°, 69%, 29%


Cabernet can be described as having dark cherry undertones enriched by subtle elements of blackberry and tobacco. It’s a blend offering sophistication and style that pairs perfectly with any modern interior design.

HEX #8e5b68
RGB 142, 91, 104
RGB percentage 56%, 36%, 41%
CMYK 0, 36, 27, 44
HSL 345°, 22%, 46%


Garnet is a classic shade of red with hues of deep cherry and plum. This powerful color can add drama to any room in the home, creating an atmosphere full of elegance.

HEX #830E0D
RGB 131, 14, 13
RGB percentage 51%, 5%, 5%
CMYK 0, 89, 90, 49
HSL 1°, 82%, 28%


Bordeaux is characterized by its vivid ruby coloration. With notes of cherry, raspberry and blackberry, it’s a timeless shade that creates an inviting environment.

HEX #4C0013
RGB 76, 0, 19
RGB percentage 30%, 0%, 7%
CMYK 0, 100, 75, 70
HSL 345°, 100%, 15%


Ruby is a radiant red with warm, pink undertones. This stunning hue radiates vibrancy and life; making it perfect for bringing color to any interior space.

HEX #E0115F
RGB 224, 17, 95
RGB percentage 88%, 7%, 37%
CMYK 0, 92, 58, 12
HSL 337°, 86%, 47%


Amber is a soft, vibrant rose-toned hue. It offers an undeniably romantic tone that can bring life to any modern room design.

RGB 255, 191, 0
RGB percentage 100%, 75%, 0%
CMYK 0, 25, 100, 0
HSL 45°, 100%, 50%


Beaujolais is a light, semi-sweet wine with coral pink and reddish hue. It has a delicate balance of pleasant acidity that gives it its unique flavor profile.

HEX #80304c
RGB 128, 48, 76
RGB percentage 50%, 19%, 30%
CMYK 0, 63, 41, 50
HSL 339°, 45%, 35%

Dark Pink

Dark Pink offers an interesting combination between the subtle elegance of rose hues and bolder shades often associated with red wines. Its captivating blend creates a striking atmosphere ideal for any chic setting.

Dark Pink
RGB 170, 51, 106
RGB percentage 67%, 20%, 42%
CMYK 0, 70, 38, 33
HSL 332°, 54%, 43%


Gold is a rich, shimmering yellow-golden hue often associated with the golden color of aged wines. Its luxurious warmth creates an inviting atmosphere perfect for any special occasion.

RGB 255, 215, 0
RGB percentage 100%, 84%, 0%
CMYK 0, 16, 100, 0
HSL 51°, 100%, 50%


Lemon is a light yellow-green often associated with the bright, acidic fruity flavors of white wines. Its crispness brings a vibrant atmosphere to any surrounding.

HEX #fff700
RGB 255, 247, 0
RGB percentage 100%, 97%, 0%
CMYK 0, 3, 100, 0
HSL 58°, 100%, 50%

Lemon Green

Lemon Green provides an enticing combination between mint and lemon, creating soft shades full of subtle detail. It is a perfect choice for creating an atmosphere of serenity.

Lemon Green
RGB 173, 248, 2
RGB percentage 68%, 97%, 1%
CMYK 30, 0, 99, 3
HSL 78°, 98%, 49%


Nebbiolo has a deep garnet hue and offers bold yet complex flavors. Its inviting richness creates the ideal backdrop for any sophisticated setting.

HEX #B41828
RGB 180, 24, 40
RGB percentage 71%, 9%, 16%
CMYK 0, 87, 78, 29
HSL 354°, 76%, 40%

Pale Pink

Pale Pink brings freshness to any interior space with its bright, light shade. This vibrant pastel pink allows other colors to stand out without looking dull or washed-out.

Pale Pink
HEX #fadadd
RGB 250, 218, 221
RGB percentage 98%, 85%, 87%
CMYK 0, 13, 12, 2
HSL 354°, 76%, 92%

Pinot Noir

Pinot Noir is a deep and velvety burgundy with touches of blackberry, tobacco and leather. This timeless shade can add instant sophistication to any interior.

Pinot Noir
HEX #653642
RGB 101, 54, 66
RGB percentage 40%, 21%, 26%
CMYK 0, 47, 35, 60
HSL 345°, 30%, 30%


Port offers an intense blend of sweet ruby reds, mocha browns and spicy flavors that create a unique experience in the home. Its subtle sweetness makes it perfect for bringing warmth into your living space.

HEX #663336
RGB 102, 51, 54
RGB percentage 40%, 20%, 21%
CMYK 0, 50, 47, 60
HSL 356°, 33%, 30%


Purple has hints of blue-black which creates its mysterious allure. It’s bold yet classic hue adds drama to any room while offering a sense of luxury.

HEX #A020F0
RGB 160, 32, 240
RGB percentage 63%, 13%, 94%
CMYK 33, 87, 0, 6
HSL 277°, 87%, 53%


Salmon is an inviting blend of light pink and orange. It has a warmth that can add subtle energy to any room or bolder shades if desired.

HEX #FA8072
RGB 250, 128, 114
RGB percentage 98%, 50%, 45%
CMYK 0, 49, 54, 2
HSL 6°, 93%, 71%


Sangria brings together bright, intense hues with notes of citrus. This fruity combination provides vibrant tones for adding color in the home.

HEX #92000A
RGB 146, 0, 10
RGB percentage 57%, 0%, 4%
CMYK 0, 100, 93, 43
HSL 356°, 100%, 29%


Shiraz offers an intriguing blend between spicy blackberry flavors and smooth crimson hues making it unique but elegant at the same time.

HEX #802539
RGB 128, 37, 57
RGB percentage 50%, 15%, 22%
CMYK 0, 71, 55, 50
HSL 347°, 55%, 32%


Syrah is a deep, rich purple with hints of blue and black. Its powerfully saturated hue creates an inviting atmosphere ideal for intimate gatherings.

HEX #6a282c
RGB 106, 40, 44
RGB percentage 42%, 16%, 17%
CMYK 0, 62, 58, 58
HSL 356°, 45%, 29%


Tawny has notes of copper and light ruby red that give it its warm glow. This mellow shade works perfectly in any room; from traditional living spaces to contemporary designs.

HEX #cd5700
RGB 205, 87, 0
RGB percentage 80%, 34%, 0%
CMYK 0, 58, 100, 20
HSL 25°, 100%, 40%


Zinfandel is a captivating blend of bright red and purple tones. It has the perfect balance between boldness and subtlety making it ideal for any occasion.

HEX #5d2935
RGB 93, 41, 53
RGB percentage 36%, 16%, 21%
CMYK 0, 56, 43, 64
HSL 346°, 39%, 26%

Shades of Wine Color Conversion Chart


Wine #722F37 114, 47, 55 0, 59, 52, 55
Burgundy #800020 128, 0, 32 0, 100, 75, 50
Claret #7F1734 127, 23, 52 0, 82, 59, 50
Wine Dregs #673147 103, 49, 71 0, 52, 31, 60
Malbec #9B0047 155, 0, 71 0, 100, 54, 39
Maroon #800000 128, 0, 0 0, 100, 100, 50
Merlot #7F171F 127, 23, 31 0, 82, 76, 50
Cabernet #8e5b68 142, 91, 104 0, 36, 27, 44
Garnet #830E0D 131, 14, 13 0, 89, 90, 49
Bordeaux #4C0013 76, 0, 19 0, 100, 75, 70
Ruby #E0115F 224, 17, 95 0, 92, 58, 12
Amber #FFBF00 255, 191, 0 0, 25, 100, 0
Beaujolais #80304c 128, 48, 76 0, 63, 41, 50
Dark Pink #AA336A 170, 51, 106 0, 70, 38, 33
Gold #FFD700 255, 215, 0 0, 16, 100, 0
Lemon #fff700 255, 247, 0 0, 3, 100, 0
Lemon Green #ADF802 173, 248, 2 30, 0, 99, 3
Nebbiolo #B41828 180, 24, 40 0, 87, 78, 29
Pale Pink #fadadd 250, 218, 221 0, 13, 12, 2
Pinot Noir #653642 101, 54, 66 0, 47, 35, 60
Port #663336 102, 51, 54 0, 50, 47, 60
Purple #A020F0 160, 32, 240 33, 87, 0, 6
Salmon #FA8072 250, 128, 114 0, 49, 54, 2
Sangria #92000A 146, 0, 10 0, 100, 93, 43
Shiraz #802539 128, 37, 57 0, 71, 55, 50
Syrah #6a282c 106, 40, 44 0, 62, 58, 58
Tawny #cd5700 205, 87, 0 0, 58, 100, 20
Zinfandel #5d2935 93, 41, 53 0, 56, 43, 64

FAQ about Wine Color

Which color is wine?

Wine is typically a dark, purplish-red hue in the RGB/hexadecimal system. Its hex code is #722F37.

Is wine color the same as burgundy?

Burgundy and wine are similar colors that both fall on the red side of the purple spectrum. Burgundy has a more intense red tone and less blue than traditional wines, but they are considered very close shades.

What color goes with wine red?

Colors that pair well with deep reddish wines include mauve, gold or yellow ochre, navy blue or teal green. Lighter shades such as light gray and pale pink also work nicely to complement this shade.

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