Colors Chartreuse Color Shades Shades of Chartreuse

50+ Shades of Chartreuse Color (Names, HEX, RGB, & CMYK Codes)

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50+ Shades of Chartreuse Color (Names, HEX, RGB, & CMYK Codes)

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Chartreuse, the cheeky chameleon, slipping between yellow and green like a buttered grasshopper at a summer fair. This unique hue packs more flavor than a Sherpa’s picnic, ranging from the lively lime burst of Electric Chartreuse, to the gentle sage whisper of Apple Green, and all the delicious in-betweens.

Chartreuse is the forgotten chameleon, often overlooked in favor of the emeralds and canaries of the world. But fear not, dear reader, for we are about to make this luminous wallflower the life of the party!

Now, fasten your color-captivated corneas as we dive headfirst into this verdant vortex of visual vivacity, and unearth all the different shades of chartreuse, one pixelated color at a time! Let's paint the town chartreuse!

What Color is Chartreuse?

Chartreuse (hex code #DFFF00) in its traditional form is a brighter and more vivid yellowish-green color, leaning more towards yellow.

First used to denote this specific shade in 1892, traditional chartreuse presents a lighter, slightly more luminous version of the original color. Its intensity and vivacity make it a captivating choice in various creative fields.

Chartreuse (traditional)
RGB 223, 255, 0
RGB percentage 87%, 100%, 0%
CMYK 13, 0, 100, 0
HSL 68°, 100, 50

Different Shades of Chartreuse

From Lime's citrus-splash to Tea Green's whisper, we'll swing across RGB ropes, dive into CMYK coves, and scale HEX heights. It's time to unmask chartreuse in all its glorious shades:

Chartreuse (wikipedia)

Originating from the French liqueur 'Chartreuse', this vivid yellowish-green color sits halfway between green and yellow on the RGB color wheel. Often associated with nature, youth, and growth, it has been historically used in fashion, industry, and gemology. Its bold, energetic quality is a symbol of modernity and style.

Chartreuse (wikipedia)
HEX #80FF00
RGB 128, 255, 0
RGB percentage 50%, 100%, 0%
CMYK 50, 0, 100, 0
HSL 90°, 100, 50

Chartreuse (web color)

The web version of chartreuse, also known as chartreuse green, is the precise blend of 50% green and 50% yellow. Codified during the formulation of the X11 colors in 1987, this brighter variant of chartreuse became an essential part of the HSV color wheel. Its intense color is a modern interpretation of the traditional chartreuse.

Chartreuse (web color)
RGB 127, 255, 0
RGB percentage 50%, 100%, 0%
CMYK 50, 0, 100, 0
HSL 90°, 100, 50


A natural, earthy shade, Artichoke mirrors the muted green color of the vegetable from which it gets its name. With its soft and tranquil quality, it often symbolizes healthy and organic characteristics.

HEX #8F9779
RGB 143, 151, 121
RGB percentage 56%, 59%, 47%
CMYK 5, 0, 20, 41
HSL 76°, 13, 53


Asparagus reflects the shade of a fresh asparagus spear. A blend of green and yellow with a touch of gray, Asparagus is a versatile color that suggests natural, fresh, and healthy themes.

HEX #87A96B
RGB 135, 169, 107
RGB percentage 53%, 66%, 42%
CMYK 20, 0, 37, 34
HSL 93°, 26, 54


Named after the fruit, Avocado is a creamy, pale green color that leans toward yellow. It offers a comforting and soothing ambiance, hinting at the richness and nourishing quality of the avocado fruit itself.

HEX #568203
RGB 86, 130, 3
RGB percentage 34%, 51%, 1%
CMYK 34, 0, 98, 49
HSL 81°, 95, 26


Green-Yellow is a vibrant mix of green and yellow, with yellow being the more dominant. Green-Yellow is lively, radiating an energetic and refreshing atmosphere. It's often associated with spring, new beginnings, and growth.

RGB 173, 255, 47
RGB percentage 68%, 100%, 18%
CMYK 32, 0, 82, 0
HSL 84°, 100, 59


Inspired by the fruit, Lime is a bright, vibrant shade of green with a strong yellow undertone. It symbolizes freshness, zest, and vitality, making it a popular color in many summer and tropical themes.

RGB 191, 255, 0
RGB percentage 75%, 100%, 0%
CMYK 25, 0, 100, 0
HSL 75°, 100, 50


A light, soft green, Pistachio is reminiscent of the nut from the Pistacia vera tree. Its muted quality provides a soothing and calming feel, often used in designs to evoke a sense of nature and tranquility.

HEX #93C572
RGB 147, 197, 114
RGB percentage 58%, 77%, 45%
CMYK 25, 0, 42, 23
HSL 96°, 42, 61

Spring bud

Spring Bud is a lively yellow-green, embodying the brightness and energy of new plant growth in spring. It's a color of renewal, youthfulness, and new beginnings.

Spring bud
RGB 167, 252, 0
RGB percentage 65%, 99%, 0%
CMYK 34, 0, 100, 1
HSL 80°, 100, 49


With green as the dominant hue over yellow, Yellow-Green is a warm and welcoming color. It’s often associated with nature, suggesting lush vegetation and the vitality of the outdoors.

RGB 154, 205, 50
RGB percentage 60%, 80%, 20%
CMYK 25, 0, 76, 20
HSL 80°, 61, 50

Bright Chartreuse

As the name suggests, Bright Chartreuse is a more vibrant and eye-catching version of the traditional chartreuse. The color's vivacity signifies liveliness, rejuvenation, and a zest for life, making it an optimal choice for designs intended to draw attention.

Bright Chartreuse
RGB 181, 191, 80
RGB percentage 71%, 75%, 31%
CMYK 5, 0, 58, 25
HSL 65°, 46, 53

Dark Chartreuse

Dark Chartreuse is a deep, rich version of the traditional chartreuse, exuding a sense of sophistication and elegance. Despite its depth, the color maintains an undertone of liveliness and vigor, rooted in its yellow-green base.

Dark Chartreuse
RGB 107, 199, 29
RGB percentage 42%, 78%, 11%
CMYK 46, 0, 85, 22
HSL 92°, 75, 45

Spring Chartreuse

Spring Chartreuse, akin to the first buds of spring, combines the brightness of chartreuse with a hint of freshness. It’s a color associated with rejuvenation and new beginnings, mirroring the essence of springtime.

Spring Chartreuse
RGB 212, 208, 110
RGB percentage 83%, 82%, 43%
CMYK 0, 2, 48, 17
HSL 58°, 54, 63


A soft, muted green-yellow, Pear evokes the light color of the fruit's exterior. It exudes a soothing and comforting ambience, often associated with freshness and natural wholesomeness.

HEX #D1E231
RGB 209, 226, 49
RGB percentage 82%, 89%, 19%
CMYK 8, 0, 78, 11
HSL 66°, 75, 54

Acid Green

Acid Green is a bold, vibrant, neon-like color. This intense green shade commands attention and is often used in contexts that require high visibility or to create a futuristic, edgy vibe.

Acid Green
RGB 176, 191, 26
RGB percentage 69%, 75%, 10%
CMYK 8, 0, 86, 25
HSL 65°, 76, 43


Apple is a crisp, bright color, similar to the skin of a Granny Smith apple. It conveys freshness, vitality, and health, and is often linked with natural and organic themes.

HEX #66B447
RGB 102, 180, 71
RGB percentage 40%, 71%, 28%
CMYK 43, 0, 61, 29
HSL 103°, 43, 49

Apple Green

A fresh, vibrant color that mirrors the shade of green apple skin. It signifies health, growth, and nature, often used to create a sense of revitalization and vibrancy in designs.

Apple Green
HEX #8DB600
RGB 141, 182, 0
RGB percentage 55%, 71%, 0%
CMYK 23, 0, 100, 29
HSL 74°, 100, 36

Bright Green

This is an eye-catching, vibrant shade of green that radiates energy and life. Bright Green is an optimistic color, representing renewal, growth, and the vitality of nature.

Bright Green
HEX #66FF00
RGB 102, 255, 0
RGB percentage 40%, 100%, 0%
CMYK 60, 0, 100, 0
HSL 96°, 100, 50

Bud Green

Reminiscent of new leaf buds, Bud Green is a soft and gentle color. It encapsulates the essence of spring and the promise of new growth, conveying a sense of hope and renewal.

Bud Green
HEX #7BB661
RGB 123, 182, 97
RGB percentage 48%, 71%, 38%
CMYK 32, 0, 47, 29
HSL 102°, 37, 55


Cactus is a muted, cool shade of green that reflects the color of desert plant life. It’s associated with resilience and endurance, mirroring the hardy nature of the cactus itself.

HEX #5B6F55
RGB 91, 111, 85
RGB percentage 36%, 44%, 33%
CMYK 18, 0, 23, 56
HSL 106°, 13, 38


Named after the quartz mineral, Citrine is a vibrant shade of yellow with a hint of green. This color embodies the warmth, energy, and brightness of the sun, often representing optimism, clarity, and abundance.

RGB 228, 208, 10
RGB percentage 89%, 82%, 4%
CMYK 0, 9, 96, 11
HSL 54°, 92, 47


Citron is a dark, greyish-green color that is inspired by the fruit of the same name. It brings a more subdued, earthy quality to designs, often associated with nature, sustainability, and calm.

RGB 221, 208, 106
RGB percentage 87%, 82%, 42%
CMYK 0, 6, 52, 13
HSL 53°, 63, 64

Dark Lime

A rich, deep variation of lime green, Dark Lime combines the energy of bright lime with a more grounded, intense tone. This color symbolizes depth, balance, and the rejuvenating power of nature.

Dark Lime
RGB 126, 189, 1
RGB percentage 49%, 74%, 0%
CMYK 33, 0, 99, 26
HSL 80°, 99, 37

Electric Green

Electric Green is a bold, bright shade of green with a high degree of saturation. It's energizing and attention-grabbing, often used to denote high energy, creativity, and innovation.

Electric Green
HEX #72FF13
RGB 114, 255, 19
RGB percentage 45%, 100%, 7%
CMYK 55, 0, 93, 0
HSL 96°, 100, 54

Electric Lime

Electric Lime is a vibrant and highly saturated shade of green with strong yellow undertones, Electric Lime radiates energy and creativity. This color is exciting and invigorating, often associated with dynamism and uniqueness.

Electric Lime
RGB 204, 255, 0
RGB percentage 80%, 100%, 0%
CMYK 20, 0, 100, 0
HSL 72°, 100, 50


Reflecting the color of the precious gemstone, Emerald is a rich, deep green with a touch of blue. It symbolizes luxury, elegance, and prosperity, often used to create a sense of sophistication and depth.

HEX #50C878
RGB 80, 200, 120
RGB percentage 31%, 78%, 47%
CMYK 60, 0, 40, 22
HSL 140°, 52, 55

Fern Green

Fern Green mirrors the color of ferns in a natural setting. It's a medium, somewhat muted green that conveys a calming, serene sense of nature, ideal for designs that aim to evoke tranquility and peace.

Fern Green
HEX #4F7942
RGB 79, 121, 66
RGB percentage 31%, 47%, 26%
CMYK 35, 0, 45, 53
HSL 106°, 29, 37


Emulating the precious metal, Gold is a bright, metallic yellow. It's associated with wealth, prosperity, quality, and prestige. The color gold represents success, achievement, and extravagance.

RGB 255, 215, 0
RGB percentage 100%, 84%, 0%
CMYK 0, 16, 100, 0
HSL 51°, 100, 50

Granny Smith Apple

Named after the tart apple variety, Granny Smith Apple is a bright, lively shade of green. It symbolizes health, growth, and freshness, reminiscent of the crisp and refreshing quality of the fruit itself.

Granny Smith Apple
RGB 168, 228, 160
RGB percentage 66%, 89%, 63%
CMYK 26, 0, 30, 11
HSL 113°, 56, 76


Harlequin is a vibrant, intense shade of green. It's a high-energy color that demands attention, often used in design to denote growth, vitality, and excitement.

RGB 63, 255, 0
RGB percentage 25%, 100%, 0%
CMYK 75, 0, 100, 0
HSL 105°, 100, 50


Honeydew is a very light, almost pastel, shade of green. Named after the melon, it's a soothing color that symbolizes freshness and natural sweetness, often used in designs to create a calm, relaxing mood.

RGB 240, 255, 240
RGB percentage 94%, 100%, 94%
CMYK 6, 0, 6, 0
HSL 120°, 100, 97


Inchworm is a bright, light green color that reflects the shade of a small inchworm caterpillar. This color is lively and playful, often used in youthful, creative contexts. It represents growth, springtime, and a connection to nature.

RGB 178, 236, 93
RGB percentage 70%, 93%, 36%
CMYK 25, 0, 61, 7
HSL 84°, 79, 65

June Bud

June Bud is a medium-light shade of green, similar to fresh spring leaves or the first buds of June. It carries connotations of new life, growth, and the hopefulness of spring.

June Bud
RGB 189, 218, 87
RGB percentage 74%, 85%, 34%
CMYK 13, 0, 60, 15
HSL 73°, 64, 60

Key Lime

Key Lime is color is a representation of the shade of green associated with the lime fruit. It's a vibrant, fresh color that signifies energy, renewal, and tropical freshness.

Key Lime
RGB 232, 244, 140
RGB percentage 91%, 96%, 55%
CMYK 5, 0, 43, 4
HSL 67°, 83, 75


Kiwi is a light, vibrant green-yellow color, akin to the flesh of the kiwi fruit. It's associated with healthiness, natural energy, and refreshing zest, symbolizing freshness and exotic taste.

RGB 142, 229, 63
RGB percentage 56%, 90%, 25%
CMYK 38, 0, 72, 10
HSL 91°, 76, 57

Lawn Green

Lawn Green, as the name implies, mirrors the color of fresh, manicured grass. It’s a medium-light shade of green that signifies nature, growth, and freshness. It is often used in design to evoke a sense of peacefulness and the outdoors.

Lawn Green
RGB 124, 252, 0
RGB percentage 49%, 99%, 0%
CMYK 51, 0, 100, 1
HSL 90°, 100, 49

Light Chartreuse

Light Chartreuse is a pale yellow-green color that leans more toward yellow than the traditional chartreuse. It's a fresh, cheerful color that embodies the essence of spring and early summer.

Light Chartreuse
RGB 204, 205, 117
RGB percentage 80%, 80%, 46%
CMYK 0, 0, 43, 20
HSL 61°, 47, 63

Light Green

A soothing, pale shade of green, Light Green evokes the early spring season when nature begins to awaken. It is calming and refreshing, often associated with new growth and revitalization.

Light Green
HEX #90EE90
RGB 144, 238, 144
RGB percentage 56%, 93%, 56%
CMYK 39, 0, 39, 7
HSL 120°, 73, 75

Light Lime

A pale, less saturated version of lime green, Light Lime combines the freshness of lime with a soothing lightness. It symbolizes lightheartedness, freshness, and youthful energy.

Light Lime
RGB 174, 253, 108
RGB percentage 68%, 99%, 42%
CMYK 31, 0, 57, 1
HSL 93°, 97, 71

Lime (Web) (X11 Green)

Also known as X11 Green, this version of lime is a pure, bright green with a strong intensity. The color is vibrant and energetic, often used in digital design to denote freshness, creativity, and high energy.

Lime (Web) (X11 Green)
RGB 192, 255, 0
RGB percentage 75%, 100%, 0%
CMYK 25, 0, 100, 0
HSL 75°, 100, 50

Lime Chartreuse

A green-yellow color with a slightly more green bias than traditional Chartreuse. Lime Chartreuse embodies the energetic properties of lime with the softer yellow-green of Chartreuse. It is a fresh, invigorating color, symbolizing energy and growth.

Lime Chartreuse
RGB 191, 255, 0
RGB percentage 75%, 100%, 0%
CMYK 25, 0, 100, 0
HSL 75°, 100, 50

Lime Green

Lime Green is a vibrant green-yellow shade that's reminiscent of zesty lime fruit. Lime Green is bright and energetic, often used to evoke feelings of freshness, creativity, and liveliness. It's a color that grabs attention and embodies a youthful, playful spirit.

Lime Green
HEX #32CD32
RGB 50, 205, 50
RGB percentage 20%, 80%, 20%
CMYK 76, 0, 76, 20
HSL 120°, 61, 50

Lime Punch

Lime Punch is an extra vibrant version of lime green. It's a bold, bright shade that's full of energy and dynamism. As its name suggests, Lime Punch delivers a visual 'punch', and is perfect for designs that need to make a strong, energetic statement.

Lime Punch
HEX #C0D725
RGB 192, 215, 37
RGB percentage 75%, 84%, 15%
CMYK 11, 0, 83, 16
HSL 68°, 71, 49


Limeade represents the color of the refreshing citrus-based drink. This shade is a bright, slightly yellowish green, evoking feelings of summer, vitality, and refreshment.

RGB 211, 217, 95
RGB percentage 83%, 85%, 37%
CMYK 3, 0, 56, 15
HSL 63°, 62, 61


Mantis is a light and fresh shade of green, akin to the color of a mantis insect. It's a calming and harmonious color, often associated with nature, tranquility, and balance. Mantis can be used in designs to evoke a sense of calm and natural beauty.

HEX #74C365
RGB 116, 195, 101
RGB percentage 45%, 76%, 40%
CMYK 41, 0, 48, 24
HSL 110°, 44, 58

Maximum Green Yellow

Maximum Green Yellow is a vibrant color that leans more towards yellow than green. This color symbolizes energy, vibrancy, and excitement. It's an enthusiastic color that can infuse any design with a feeling of joy and liveliness.

Maximum Green Yellow
HEX #D9E650
RGB 217, 230, 80
RGB percentage 85%, 90%, 31%
CMYK 6, 0, 65, 10
HSL 65°, 75, 61

Mellow Yellow

Mellow Yellow is a soft, soothing shade of yellow that conveys a sense of calm and relaxation. Less intense than pure yellow, Mellow Yellow is often used in designs to evoke feelings of warmth, comfort, and happiness.

Mellow Yellow
RGB 248, 222, 126
RGB percentage 97%, 87%, 49%
CMYK 0, 10, 49, 3
HSL 47°, 90, 73

Middle Green Yellow

A balance between green and yellow, Middle Green Yellow is a muted color that represents equilibrium and stability. It embodies the growth and energy of green and the happiness and positivity of yellow, resulting in a color that feels both earthy and cheerful.

Middle Green Yellow
RGB 172, 191, 96
RGB percentage 67%, 75%, 38%
CMYK 10, 0, 50, 25
HSL 72°, 43, 56

Moss Green

Moss Green, true to its name, is reminiscent of the color of woodland moss. It's a medium to dark shade of green with a slightly grayish undertone. It evokes feelings of tranquility, nature, and groundedness.

Moss Green
RGB 138, 154, 91
RGB percentage 54%, 60%, 36%
CMYK 10, 0, 41, 40
HSL 75°, 26, 48


Olive is a dark yellowish-green color, similar to green olives. It's a natural, earthy color that symbolizes peace, wisdom, and culture. Olive is often used in design to represent military and outdoor themes.

HEX #808000
RGB 128, 128, 0
RGB percentage 50%, 50%, 0%
CMYK 0, 0, 100, 50
HSL 60°, 100, 25

Pale Chartreuse

Pale Chartreuse is a muted version of the lively yellow-green chartreuse color. It embodies the freshness of chartreuse but with a softer, more soothing touch. Pale Chartreuse is a peaceful, calming color that can evoke feelings of nature, freshness, and spring.

Pale Chartreuse
RGB 239, 253, 95
RGB percentage 94%, 99%, 37%
CMYK 6, 0, 62, 1
HSL 65°, 98, 68

Pale Green

Pale Green is a very light, soothing shade of green that's reminiscent of early springtime. This color evokes calmness and tranquility, often used to represent growth, renewal, and the serenity of nature.

Pale Green
HEX #98FB98
RGB 152, 251, 152
RGB percentage 60%, 98%, 60%
CMYK 39, 0, 39, 2
HSL 120°, 93, 79

Pale Lime

Pale Lime is a very light shade of green with a strong yellow bias. This color represents the zestiness and vibrancy of lime, but with a softer, more subdued touch. It's often associated with freshness, rejuvenation, and lightheartedness.

Pale Lime
HEX #C5C951
RGB 197, 201, 81
RGB percentage 77%, 79%, 32%
CMYK 2, 0, 60, 21
HSL 62°, 53, 55

Pastel Green

Pastel Green is a very light, soothing shade of green. It's soft and comforting, often used in design to evoke feelings of peace, calm, and relaxation. It carries the freshness of green in a gentle, understated way, perfect for designs seeking a calming influence.

Pastel Green
RGB 193, 225, 193
RGB percentage 76%, 88%, 76%
CMYK 14, 0, 14, 12
HSL 120°, 35, 82

Tea Green

Tea Green is a light shade of green with a slightly yellow undertone. Named after the color of green tea leaves, it symbolizes tranquility, health, and nature. Tea Green is often used in design to create a serene, calming atmosphere.

Tea Green
RGB 208, 240, 192
RGB percentage 82%, 94%, 75%
CMYK 13, 0, 20, 6
HSL 100°, 62, 85

Verdant Green

Verdant Green is a rich, vibrant shade of green, mirroring the lush greenery of a thriving forest. It embodies the vitality and abundance of nature, symbolizing growth, prosperity, and health. This color brings a sense of liveliness and richness to designs.

Verdant Green
HEX #12674A
RGB 18, 103, 74
RGB percentage 7%, 40%, 29%
CMYK 83, 0, 28, 60
HSL 160°, 70, 24

Shades of Chartreuse Color Conversion Chart


Chartreuse (traditional) #DFFF00 223, 255, 0 13, 0, 100, 0
Chartreuse (wikipedia) #80FF00 128, 255, 0 50, 0, 100, 0
Chartreuse (web color) #7FFF00 127, 255, 0 50, 0, 100, 0
Artichoke #8F9779 143, 151, 121 5, 0, 20, 41
Asparagus #87A96B 135, 169, 107 20, 0, 37, 34
Avocado #568203 86, 130, 3 34, 0, 98, 49
Green-yellow #ADFF2F 173, 255, 47 32, 0, 82, 0
Lime #BFFF00 191, 255, 0 25, 0, 100, 0
Pistachio #93C572 147, 197, 114 25, 0, 42, 23
Spring bud #A7FC00 167, 252, 0 34, 0, 100, 1
Yellow-green #9ACD32 154, 205, 50 25, 0, 76, 20
Bright Chartreuse #B5BF50 181, 191, 80 5, 0, 58, 25
Dark Chartreuse #6BC71D 107, 199, 29 46, 0, 85, 22
Spring Chartreuse #D4D06E 212, 208, 110 0, 2, 48, 17
Pear #D1E231 209, 226, 49 8, 0, 78, 11
Acid Green #B0BF1A 176, 191, 26 8, 0, 86, 25
Apple #66B447 102, 180, 71 43, 0, 61, 29
Apple Green #8DB600 141, 182, 0 23, 0, 100, 29
Bright Green #66FF00 102, 255, 0 60, 0, 100, 0
Bud Green #7BB661 123, 182, 97 32, 0, 47, 29
Cactus #5B6F55 91, 111, 85 18, 0, 23, 56
Citrine #E4D00A 228, 208, 10 0, 9, 96, 11
Citron #DDD06A 221, 208, 106 0, 6, 52, 13
Dark Lime #7EBD01 126, 189, 1 33, 0, 99, 26
Electric Green #72FF13 114, 255, 19 55, 0, 93, 0
Electric Lime #CCFF00 204, 255, 0 20, 0, 100, 0
Emerald #50C878 80, 200, 120 60, 0, 40, 22
Fern Green #4F7942 79, 121, 66 35, 0, 45, 53
Gold #FFD700 255, 215, 0 0, 16, 100, 0
Granny Smith Apple #A8E4A0 168, 228, 160 26, 0, 30, 11
Harlequin #3FFF00 63, 255, 0 75, 0, 100, 0
Honeydew #F0FFF0 240, 255, 240 6, 0, 6, 0
Inchworm #B2EC5D 178, 236, 93 25, 0, 61, 7
June Bud #BDDA57 189, 218, 87 13, 0, 60, 15
Key Lime #E8F48C 232, 244, 140 5, 0, 43, 4
Kiwi #8EE53F 142, 229, 63 38, 0, 72, 10
Lawn Green #7CFC00 124, 252, 0 51, 0, 100, 1
Light Chartreuse #CCCD75 204, 205, 117 0, 0, 43, 20
Light Green #90EE90 144, 238, 144 39, 0, 39, 7
Light Lime #AEFD6C 174, 253, 108 31, 0, 57, 1
Lime (Web) (X11 Green) #C0FF00 192, 255, 0 25, 0, 100, 0
Lime Chartreuse #BFFF00 191, 255, 0 25, 0, 100, 0
Lime Green #32CD32 50, 205, 50 76, 0, 76, 20
Lime Punch #C0D725 192, 215, 37 11, 0, 83, 16
Limeade #D3D95F 211, 217, 95 3, 0, 56, 15
Mantis #74C365 116, 195, 101 41, 0, 48, 24
Maximum Green Yellow #D9E650 217, 230, 80 6, 0, 65, 10
Mellow Yellow #F8DE7E 248, 222, 126 0, 10, 49, 3
Middle Green Yellow #ACBF60 172, 191, 96 10, 0, 50, 25
Moss Green #8A9A5B 138, 154, 91 10, 0, 41, 40
Olive #808000 128, 128, 0 0, 0, 100, 50
Pale Chartreuse #EFFD5F 239, 253, 95 6, 0, 62, 1
Pale Green #98FB98 152, 251, 152 39, 0, 39, 2
Pale Lime #C5C951 197, 201, 81 2, 0, 60, 21
Pastel Green #C1E1C1 193, 225, 193 14, 0, 14, 12
Tea Green #D0F0C0 208, 240, 192 13, 0, 20, 6
Verdant Green #12674A 18, 103, 74 83, 0, 28, 60

FAQ about Chartreuse Color

What is the color of chartreuse?

Chartreuse is a vibrant color that sits at the exciting intersection of yellow and green. Its brilliance strikes a balance between the two, embodying the brightness of yellow and the freshness of green.

What does chartreuse color look like?

Imagine a sunny day in a lush green meadow, where the warmth of the sun and the verdancy of the grass merge into one; that's what chartreuse looks like. It's a bold, lively color, like a green apple kissed by sunlight.

Is chartreuse a shade of green or yellow?

Chartreuse is a shade that straddles both green and yellow. Its name comes from the French liqueur 'Chartreuse', which is greenish-yellow in color. So, it's the delightful offspring of a harmonious union between green and yellow.

What is the closest color to chartreuse?

The closest colors to chartreuse would likely be lime or spring green, as they also embody that zesty mix of green and yellow, though each has its own unique qualities.

Is chartreuse a cool or warm color?

Chartreuse is somewhat unique in that it can be viewed as either a warm or cool color, depending on its context. Its green component associates it with cool, natural tones, while its yellow component introduces a warm, sunny aspect.

Is chartreuse the same as lime green?

Chartreuse and lime green are similar but not the same. Lime green tends to be brighter and leans more towards green, while chartreuse leans slightly more towards yellow. Both, however, are vibrant and vivacious hues.

How to make color chartreuse?

To make chartreuse, you would blend equal parts of bright green and yellow. Adjust the ratio according to your preference; add more yellow for a warmer chartreuse, or more green for a cooler tone.

What colors go with chartreuse?

Chartreuse is a versatile color and pairs well with many shades. It contrasts beautifully with dark, cool colors like navy blue or charcoal grey. For a more harmonious look, try it with other shades of green or yellow. It also pops when combined with white or cream.

What is the hex code for color chartreuse?

The most commonly accepted hex code for chartreuse is #DFFF00. This vibrant code is the digital representation of the lively color known as chartreuse.

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