Colors Color Shades Salmon Shades of Salmon

50+ Shades of Salmon Color (Names, HEX, RGB, & CMYK Codes)

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50+ Shades of Salmon Color (Names, HEX, RGB, & CMYK Codes)

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Have you ever stared at a grocery store's fish offering and thought, "Hmm, that looks tasty?" If so, you might just have an appetite for the shades of salmon color!

Now, we know what you're thinking: "Salmon? Like the fish?" Well, dear reader, today we're diving into a sea of shades, ranging from the cute Salmon Pink to the downright mouth-watering Salmon Nigiri.

Whether you're an artist looking to paint your next masterpiece or a chef trying to match your kitchen's color palette, we've got a salmon shade that's just right for you.

So grab your fishing pole, or perhaps a paintbrush, and let's explore all the different shades of salmon that we know of. It's going to be a colorfully fishy adventure!

What Color is Salmon?

A delightful blend of pink and orange, Salmon is a color that speaks of sunset romance and delicate charm. Its gentle warmth brings an inviting touch to any design.


HEX #FA8072
RGB 250, 128, 114
RGB percentage 98%, 50%, 45%
CMYK 0, 49, 54, 2
HSL 6°, 93, 71

Different Shades of Salmon

From blush to bashful, we've got all the shades of salmon you need. Dive in, and let's explore these scaly colors together. Just remember, no fishing poles required; it's a colorful journey, not a seafood buffet!

Dark salmon

Add a layer of sophistication to the playful Salmon with Dark Salmon. It carries a depth that's rich and robust, perfect for conveying a mature and confident impression.

Dark salmon
HEX #E9967A
RGB 233, 150, 122
RGB percentage 91%, 59%, 48%
CMYK 0, 36, 48, 9
HSL 15°, 72, 70

Light salmon

A gentle whisper of color, Light Salmon embodies innocence and grace. It's a soothing shade that pairs well with complementary tones, bringing serenity to a space.

Light salmon
RGB 255, 160, 122
RGB percentage 100%, 63%, 48%
CMYK 0, 37, 52, 0
HSL 17°, 100, 74

Deep Salmon

The intensity and passion of Deep Salmon are unmistakable. This shade adds a splash of drama and demands attention, creating a vibrant and dynamic appearance.

Deep Salmon
HEX #C66264
RGB 198, 98, 100
RGB percentage 78%, 38%, 39%
CMYK 0, 51, 49, 22
HSL 359°, 47, 58

Salmon pink

The blend of pink with Salmon results in a feminine and cheerful shade, evoking feelings of youthfulness and joy. Salmon Pink is perfect for adding a touch of whimsy to your palette.

Salmon pink
RGB 255, 145, 164
RGB percentage 100%, 57%, 64%
CMYK 0, 43, 36, 0
HSL 350°, 100, 78

Salmon Red

This bold and fiery variant of Salmon packs a punch. Salmon Red is all about expression and emotion, igniting a sense of passion and energy wherever it's used.

Salmon Red
RGB 236, 108, 91
RGB percentage 93%, 42%, 36%
CMYK 0, 54, 61, 7
HSL 7°, 79, 64

Natural Salmon

Reflecting the actual color of the fish, Natural Salmon brings an organic and earthy feel. Its understated elegance works beautifully in various natural settings.

Natural Salmon
RGB 222, 139, 102
RGB percentage 87%, 55%, 40%
CMYK 0, 37, 54, 13
HSL 18°, 65, 64

Wild Salmon

Evocative of the fish's untamed habitat, Wild Salmon stirs the imagination with its unbridled energy and raw beauty. It's a strong statement in design, full of life and character.

Wild Salmon
RGB 232, 175, 150
RGB percentage 91%, 69%, 59%
CMYK 0, 25, 35, 9
HSL 18°, 64, 75

Salmon Meat

Inspired by the delectable shade of the fish's flesh, Salmon Meat is a culinary color that’s appetizing and appealing. Its savory appeal can be used to great effect in food branding.

Salmon Meat
RGB 236, 142, 94
RGB percentage 93%, 56%, 37%
CMYK 0, 40, 60, 7
HSL 20°, 79, 65

Burnt Salmon

Carrying a toasted undertone, Burnt Salmon is complex and intriguing. This shade can be used to add an edge of vintage charm or rustic elegance to any design.

Burnt Salmon
HEX #B85265
RGB 184, 82, 101
RGB percentage 72%, 32%, 40%
CMYK 0, 55, 45, 28
HSL 349°, 42, 52

Baked Salmon

Baked Salmon reflects the warm, comforting shade of the fish when cooked. It resonates with cozy memories and home-cooked meals, perfect for food-related designs.

Baked Salmon
HEX #DF9876
RGB 223, 152, 118
RGB percentage 87%, 60%, 46%
CMYK 0, 32, 47, 13
HSL 19°, 62, 67

Bright Salmon

Bursting with vivacity, Bright Salmon exudes optimism and energy. This shade is a favorite in modern designs where a fresh, lively ambiance is desired.

Bright Salmon
RGB 255, 158, 133
RGB percentage 100%, 62%, 52%
CMYK 0, 38, 48, 0
HSL 12°, 100, 76

Buttery Salmon

The smooth and creamy touch of Buttery Salmon brings a luxurious feel. It's an elegant choice that brings a sophisticated softness to interiors or fashion.

Buttery Salmon
RGB 255, 177, 154
RGB percentage 100%, 69%, 60%
CMYK 0, 31, 40, 0
HSL 14°, 100, 80

Chinook Salmon

Named after a species of salmon, Chinook Salmon has a unique color identity that's synonymous with strength and endurance, reflecting the characteristics of the fish itself.

Chinook Salmon
HEX #C8987E
RGB 200, 152, 126
RGB percentage 78%, 60%, 49%
CMYK 0, 24, 37, 22
HSL 21°, 40, 64


A lively and spirited color, Coral dances between orange and pink. Its tropical charm adds a fresh and exciting dimension, ideal for fashion and interior design.

RGB 255, 127, 80
RGB percentage 100%, 50%, 31%
CMYK 0, 50, 69, 0
HSL 16°, 100, 66

Coral Pink

With a gentle touch of pink, Coral Pink is a graceful and elegant shade. Its feminine charm works wonders in delicate designs and romantic themes.

Coral Pink
HEX #F88379
RGB 248, 131, 121
RGB percentage 97%, 51%, 47%
CMYK 0, 47, 51, 3
HSL 5°, 90, 72

Coral Red

Intense and passionate, Coral Red is a force to be reckoned with. It's an attention-grabbing color that speaks of love, emotion, and boldness.

Coral Red
HEX #FF4040
RGB 255, 64, 64
RGB percentage 100%, 25%, 25%
CMYK 0, 75, 75, 0
HSL 0°, 100, 63

Coral Reef

Inspired by the vibrant underwater ecosystems, Coral Reef is a dazzling color that captures the imagination. Its tropical flair is an instant mood booster and creates a joyous atmosphere.

Coral Reef
RGB 253, 124, 110
RGB percentage 99%, 49%, 43%
CMYK 0, 51, 57, 1
HSL 6°, 97, 71

Fading Salmon

As the name suggests, Fading Salmon is a subdued shade that whispers rather than shouts. Its muted beauty brings an unassuming elegance to any color scheme.

Fading Salmon
RGB 250, 192, 172
RGB percentage 98%, 75%, 67%
CMYK 0, 23, 31, 2
HSL 15°, 89, 83

Flamingo Pink

A splash of tropical flair, Flamingo Pink is as exotic as the bird itself. Its bright and playful character adds an energetic and youthful touch to any design.

Flamingo Pink
RGB 252, 142, 172
RGB percentage 99%, 56%, 67%
CMYK 0, 44, 32, 1
HSL 344°, 95, 77

Fresh Salmon

The brightness and vitality of Fresh Salmon are undeniably attractive. This shade brings a refreshing vibe, perfect for spring and summer themes.

Fresh Salmon
RGB 255, 127, 106
RGB percentage 100%, 50%, 42%
CMYK 0, 50, 58, 0
HSL 8°, 100, 71

Frozen Salmon

Cool and crisp, Frozen Salmon provides a chilly twist to the regular shade. It offers a unique contrast, ideal for designs that aim to stand out.

Frozen Salmon
RGB 254, 169, 147
RGB percentage 100%, 66%, 58%
CMYK 0, 33, 42, 0
HSL 12°, 98, 79

Hipster Salmon

Trendy and unconventional, Hipster Salmon is all about individuality. Its unique shade embodies creativity and non-conformity, ideal for artistic and edgy designs.

Hipster Salmon
RGB 253, 124, 110
RGB percentage 99%, 49%, 43%
CMYK 0, 51, 57, 1
HSL 6°, 97, 71

Light Apricot

A tender mix of orange and pink, Light Apricot is an unassuming color that adds warmth without overwhelming. Its softness makes it versatile and attractive.

Light Apricot
RGB 253, 213, 177
RGB percentage 99%, 84%, 69%
CMYK 0, 16, 30, 1
HSL 28°, 95, 84

Light Coral

This delicate variant of Coral brings romance and tenderness. Light Coral is perfect for softening a design or adding a touch of sophistication.

Light Coral
HEX #F08080
RGB 240, 128, 128
RGB percentage 94%, 50%, 50%
CMYK 0, 47, 47, 6
HSL 0°, 79, 72

Light Salmon Pink

With a hint of pink, Light Salmon Pink is graceful and demure. It's a subtle and pleasing shade that works in harmony with other colors.

Light Salmon Pink
HEX #FF9999
RGB 255, 153, 153
RGB percentage 100%, 60%, 60%
CMYK 0, 40, 40, 0
HSL 0°, 100, 80


Juicy and delicious, Melon is a fun and vibrant shade. Its luscious appearance is reminiscent of summer days and adds an enjoyable touch to any design.

RGB 253, 188, 180
RGB percentage 99%, 74%, 71%
CMYK 0, 26, 29, 1
HSL 7°, 95, 85

Neon Salmon

A modern twist on the classic shade, Neon Salmon is bold and electric. Its bright glow adds a futuristic touch and ensures that your design is in the spotlight.

Neon Salmon
HEX #FF7799
RGB 255, 119, 153
RGB percentage 100%, 47%, 60%
CMYK 0, 53, 40, 0
HSL 345°, 100, 73

Pale Salmon

Gentle and soft, Pale Salmon is an understated color that adds grace and calm. Its serenity complements a wide range of palettes and moods.

Pale Salmon
RGB 255, 177, 154
RGB percentage 100%, 69%, 60%
CMYK 0, 31, 40, 0
HSL 14°, 100, 80

Pastel Salmon

A soft and dreamy shade, Pastel Salmon carries an aura of nostalgia. Its delicate charm is perfect for vintage-inspired themes and romantic designs.

Pastel Salmon
RGB 246, 193, 178
RGB percentage 96%, 76%, 70%
CMYK 0, 22, 28, 4
HSL 13°, 79, 83


Sweet and succulent, Peach is a color that's synonymous with freshness and youth. Its cheerful vibrancy is perfect for bringing life to any design or palette.

RGB 255, 229, 180
RGB percentage 100%, 90%, 71%
CMYK 0, 10, 29, 0
HSL 39°, 100, 85

Peach Puff

A creamy variant of Peach, Peach Puff offers a softer appeal. Its gentle warmth is comforting and inviting, great for creating cozy environments.

Peach Puff
RGB 255, 218, 185
RGB percentage 100%, 85%, 73%
CMYK 0, 15, 27, 0
HSL 28°, 100, 86

Pickled Salmon

With an intriguing twist, Pickled Salmon is a shade with character. Its unique tone adds an unexpected flair, ideal for designs that aim to surprise.

Pickled Salmon
HEX #FF6655
RGB 255, 102, 85
RGB percentage 100%, 40%, 33%
CMYK 0, 60, 67, 0
HSL 6°, 100, 67

Salmon Blush

Feminine and elegant, Salmon Blush is a color that's tender and captivating. Its delicate beauty is perfect for adding a touch of romance and allure.

Salmon Blush
RGB 244, 193, 182
RGB percentage 96%, 76%, 71%
CMYK 0, 21, 25, 4
HSL 11°, 74, 84

Salmon Buff

An earthy variant of Salmon, Salmon Buff has a grounded and timeless appeal. Its rich warmth brings a comforting presence, suitable for classic and rustic designs.

Salmon Buff
RGB 254, 170, 123
RGB percentage 100%, 67%, 48%
CMYK 0, 33, 52, 0
HSL 22°, 98, 74

Salmon Carpaccio

Named after the dish, Salmon Carpaccio reflects the fine and delicate nature of this culinary delight. Its refined quality adds sophistication and taste.

Salmon Carpaccio
RGB 238, 134, 125
RGB percentage 93%, 53%, 49%
CMYK 0, 44, 47, 7
HSL 5°, 77, 71

Salmon Cream

Smooth and luxurious, Salmon Cream is a shade that soothes and pleases. Its velvety appearance is perfect for adding a touch of elegance to any setting.

Salmon Cream
RGB 233, 207, 207
RGB percentage 91%, 81%, 81%
CMYK 0, 11, 11, 9
HSL 0°, 37, 86

Salmon Grey

A muted and understated hue, Salmon Grey offers a modern and sleek look. Its neutrality makes it a versatile choice that pairs well with a wide variety of colors.

Salmon Grey
RGB 227, 182, 170
RGB percentage 89%, 71%, 67%
CMYK 0, 20, 25, 11
HSL 13°, 50, 78

Salmon Nigiri

Reflective of the famous sushi dish, Salmon Nigiri has a culinary charm that's appetizing and exotic. Its rich shade adds an authentic touch to food-related themes.

Salmon Nigiri
HEX #F9906F
RGB 249, 144, 111
RGB percentage 98%, 56%, 44%
CMYK 0, 42, 55, 2
HSL 14°, 92, 71

Salmon Orange

A citrus twist to the classic shade, Salmon Orange is fresh and invigorating. Its lively character is perfect for adding zest and excitement to your design.

Salmon Orange
HEX #D5654D
RGB 213, 101, 77
RGB percentage 84%, 40%, 30%
CMYK 0, 53, 64, 16
HSL 11°, 62, 57

Salmon Pate

A culinary-inspired color, Salmon Pate reflects the richness and texture of the dish. It brings a gourmet flair and a refined taste to your palette.

Salmon Pate
HEX #D5847E
RGB 213, 132, 126
RGB percentage 84%, 52%, 49%
CMYK 0, 38, 41, 16
HSL 4°, 51, 66

Salmon Peach

A delightful combination of Salmon and Peach, Salmon Peach brings a fresh and cheerful touch. Its pleasing appearance can brighten up any design.

Salmon Peach
RGB 253, 197, 181
RGB percentage 99%, 77%, 71%
CMYK 0, 22, 28, 1
HSL 13°, 95, 85

Salmon Rose

Elegant and refined, Salmon Rose is a sophisticated shade. Its timeless beauty adds a touch of class and is perfect for weddings and romantic themes.

Salmon Rose
RGB 255, 141, 148
RGB percentage 100%, 55%, 58%
CMYK 0, 45, 42, 0
HSL 356°, 100, 78

Salmon Salt

A subtle and refined shade, Salmon Salt offers a hint of seasoning. Its understated grace makes it a versatile addition to any color scheme.

Salmon Salt
HEX #E7968B
RGB 231, 150, 139
RGB percentage 91%, 59%, 55%
CMYK 0, 35, 40, 9
HSL 7°, 66, 73

Salmon Tartare

Named after the delicacy, Salmon Tartare is a culinary color that's rich and flavorful. It offers a gourmet appeal that's perfect for upscale branding.

Salmon Tartare
RGB 255, 155, 170
RGB percentage 100%, 61%, 67%
CMYK 0, 39, 33, 0
HSL 351°, 100, 80

Salmon Upstream

Inspired by the migratory journey of the fish, Salmon Upstream is a color of determination and strength. Its unique shade tells a story of perseverance and adventure.

Salmon Upstream
RGB 255, 168, 166
RGB percentage 100%, 66%, 65%
CMYK 0, 34, 35, 0
HSL 1°, 100, 83

Smoked salmon

A savory and rich hue, Smoked Salmon offers a culinary appeal that's authentic and delicious. Its robust color is ideal for food marketing or rustic themes.

Smoked salmon
RGB 247, 171, 154
RGB percentage 97%, 67%, 60%
CMYK 0, 31, 38, 3
HSL 11°, 85, 79

Soft Salmon

Delicate and tender, Soft Salmon is a calming shade. Its gentle touch adds a comforting presence, perfect for creating peaceful and serene spaces.

Soft Salmon
HEX #F4A999
RGB 244, 169, 153
RGB percentage 96%, 66%, 60%
CMYK 0, 31, 37, 4
HSL 11°, 81, 78

Terra cotta

Earthy and grounded, Terra Cotta is a color that connects us to nature. Its rich warmth is perfect for adding a rustic and organic touch to any design.

Terra cotta
HEX #E2725B
RGB 226, 114, 91
RGB percentage 89%, 45%, 36%
CMYK 0, 50, 60, 11
HSL 10°, 70, 62


Ripe and delicious, Tomato is a vibrant and lively color. Its juicy appearance is appetizing and energizing, great for adding a fresh and tasty twist.

HEX #FF6347
RGB 255, 99, 71
RGB percentage 100%, 39%, 28%
CMYK 0, 61, 72, 0
HSL 9°, 100, 64

Vintage Salmon

Carrying the charm of bygone days, Vintage Salmon is a nostalgic shade. Its retro feel is perfect for designs that aim to evoke memories and sentimentality.

Vintage Salmon
HEX #CD8566
RGB 205, 133, 102
RGB percentage 80%, 52%, 40%
CMYK 0, 35, 50, 20
HSL 18°, 51, 60

Shades of Salmon Color Conversion Chart


Salmon #FA8072 250, 128, 114 0, 49, 54, 2
Dark salmon #E9967A 233, 150, 122 0, 36, 48, 9
Light salmon #FFA07A 255, 160, 122 0, 37, 52, 0
Deep Salmon #C66264 198, 98, 100 0, 51, 49, 22
Salmon pink #FF91A4 255, 145, 164 0, 43, 36, 0
Salmon Red #EC6C5B 236, 108, 91 0, 54, 61, 7
Natural Salmon #DE8B66 222, 139, 102 0, 37, 54, 13
Wild Salmon #E8AF96 232, 175, 150 0, 25, 35, 9
Salmon Meat #EC8E5E 236, 142, 94 0, 40, 60, 7
Burnt Salmon #B85265 184, 82, 101 0, 55, 45, 28
Baked Salmon #DF9876 223, 152, 118 0, 32, 47, 13
Bright Salmon #FF9E85 255, 158, 133 0, 38, 48, 0
Buttery Salmon #FFB19A 255, 177, 154 0, 31, 40, 0
Chinook Salmon #C8987E 200, 152, 126 0, 24, 37, 22
Coral #FF7F50 255, 127, 80 0, 50, 69, 0
Coral Pink #F88379 248, 131, 121 0, 47, 51, 3
Coral Red #FF4040 255, 64, 64 0, 75, 75, 0
Coral Reef #FD7C6E 253, 124, 110 0, 51, 57, 1
Fading Salmon #FAC0AC 250, 192, 172 0, 23, 31, 2
Flamingo Pink #FC8EAC 252, 142, 172 0, 44, 32, 1
Fresh Salmon #FF7F6A 255, 127, 106 0, 50, 58, 0
Frozen Salmon #FEA993 254, 169, 147 0, 33, 42, 0
Hipster Salmon #FD7C6E 253, 124, 110 0, 51, 57, 1
Light Apricot #FDD5B1 253, 213, 177 0, 16, 30, 1
Light Coral #F08080 240, 128, 128 0, 47, 47, 6
Light Salmon Pink #FF9999 255, 153, 153 0, 40, 40, 0
Melon #FDBCB4 253, 188, 180 0, 26, 29, 1
Neon Salmon #FF7799 255, 119, 153 0, 53, 40, 0
Pale Salmon #FFB19A 255, 177, 154 0, 31, 40, 0
Pastel Salmon #F6C1B2 246, 193, 178 0, 22, 28, 4
Peach #FFE5B4 255, 229, 180 0, 10, 29, 0
Peach Puff #FFDAB9 255, 218, 185 0, 15, 27, 0
Pickled Salmon #FF6655 255, 102, 85 0, 60, 67, 0
Salmon Blush #F4C1B6 244, 193, 182 0, 21, 25, 4
Salmon Buff #FEAA7B 254, 170, 123 0, 33, 52, 0
Salmon Carpaccio #EE867D 238, 134, 125 0, 44, 47, 7
Salmon Cream #E9CFCF 233, 207, 207 0, 11, 11, 9
Salmon Grey #E3B6AA 227, 182, 170 0, 20, 25, 11
Salmon Nigiri #F9906F 249, 144, 111 0, 42, 55, 2
Salmon Orange #D5654D 213, 101, 77 0, 53, 64, 16
Salmon Pate #D5847E 213, 132, 126 0, 38, 41, 16
Salmon Peach #FDC5B5 253, 197, 181 0, 22, 28, 1
Salmon Rose #FF8D94 255, 141, 148 0, 45, 42, 0
Salmon Salt #E7968B 231, 150, 139 0, 35, 40, 9
Salmon Tartare #FF9BAA 255, 155, 170 0, 39, 33, 0
Salmon Upstream #FFA8A6 255, 168, 166 0, 34, 35, 0
Smoked salmon #F7AB9A 247, 171, 154 0, 31, 38, 3
Soft Salmon #F4A999 244, 169, 153 0, 31, 37, 4
Terra cotta #E2725B 226, 114, 91 0, 50, 60, 11
Tomato #FF6347 255, 99, 71 0, 61, 72, 0
Vintage Salmon #CD8566 205, 133, 102 0, 35, 50, 20

FAQ about Salmon Color

What color is salmon?

Salmon is a shade that falls between pink and orange. It's often associated with the color of the flesh of the salmon fish, which has a warm and light pinkish-orange tone.

What color goes with salmon?

Salmon pairs well with a variety of colors such as soft creams, light blues, and gentle greens. It can also complement shades of grey, and even contrasting colors like teal or navy blue.

How to make salmon color?

You can create the salmon color by mixing pink with a touch of orange, or by combining red and white with a hint of yellow. Experiment with these tones until you reach the desired shade of salmon.

Is salmon orange or pink?

Salmon is a blend of both orange and pink. It incorporates the warmth of orange with the softness of pink, resulting in a unique and appealing color.

Is salmon GREY or orange?

Salmon is more closely related to orange than grey. Its characteristic pinkish-orange appearance distinguishes it from any grey tones.

What is the darkest color of salmon?

The darkest color of salmon would lean more towards a deeper shade of orange or pink, sometimes referred to as "Deep Salmon." This color retains the warmth of salmon but with a more intense saturation.

Is salmon color pink?

Salmon color does have a pinkish hue, but it is combined with elements of orange. It's a blend that creates a unique shade different from pure pink.

What is the hex code of salmon color?

The standard hex code for salmon color is #FA8072. This code represents the specific combination of red, green, and blue that creates the recognized salmon shade.

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