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Teal is a versatile and captivating color that lies at the intersection of blue and green. Named after the iridescent feathers of the Eurasian teal duck, this hue has become synonymous with elegance and tranquility. Found in a wide range of applications, from fashion and interior design to art and branding, teal provides an air of sophistication and balance.
The hex code for teal is #008080, and its RGB values are (0, 128, 128). In the HSV color space, it has a hue of 180 degrees, a saturation of 100%, and a value of 50%. Teal is classified as a moderate bluish-green by the ISCC-NBS color system.
Teal's popularity in design is due to its flexibility and adaptability, as it can be easily paired with various colors to create diverse aesthetics. Pairing teal with warm colors like coral or orange can create a lively, energetic vibe, while combining it with cool tones like gray or navy blue will evoke a serene, calming atmosphere.
Teal color family offers a wide range of possibilities for creative expression. Whether you are looking to make a bold statement or seeking a soothing ambiance, the shades of teal can provide the perfect balance and harmony for your design endeavors.
HEX #008080
RGB 0, 128, 128
RGB percentage 0%, 50%, 50%
CMYK 100, 0, 0, 50
HSL 180°, 100%, 25%
Shades of Teal (Full List)
Teal comes in a variety of shades, each with its unique properties and applications. Some popular shades of teal include teal blue, teal green, deep sea green, and many others. These shades can range from soft and muted to bold and vibrant, offering a wide array of options for designers and artists to choose from.
Understanding the different shades of teal can help you determine which shade best suits your needs, whether you're decorating your home or designing a logo. Here's our complete list of all the shades of teals that we know of:
Aquamarine Color
RGB 127, 255, 212
RGB percentage 50%, 100%, 83%
CMYK 50, 0, 17, 0
HSL 160°, 100%, 75%
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Bright Teal Color
Bright Teal
HEX #01F9C6
RGB 1, 249, 198
RGB percentage 0%, 98%, 78%
CMYK 100, 0, 20, 2
HSL 169°, 99%, 49%
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Cadet Blue Color
Cadet Blue
RGB 95, 158, 160
RGB percentage 37%, 62%, 63%
CMYK 40, 1, 0, 37
HSL 182°, 25%, 50%
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Caribbean Green Color
Caribbean Green
HEX #00CC99
RGB 0, 204, 153
RGB percentage 0%, 80%, 60%
CMYK 100, 0, 25, 20
HSL 162°, 100%, 40%
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Common Teal Color
Common Teal
HEX #009193
RGB 0, 145, 147
RGB percentage 0%, 57%, 58%
CMYK 100, 1, 0, 42
HSL 178°, 100%, 29%
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Crystal Teal Color
Crystal Teal
HEX #00637C
RGB 0, 99, 124
RGB percentage 0%, 39%, 49%
CMYK 100, 20, 0, 51
HSL 194°, 100%, 24%
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Dark Teal Color
Dark Teal
HEX #014D4E
RGB 1, 77, 78
RGB percentage 0%, 30%, 31%
CMYK 99, 1, 0, 69
HSL 179°, 98%, 15%
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Deep Jungle Green Color
Deep Jungle Green
HEX #004B49
RGB 0, 75, 73
RGB percentage 0%, 29%, 29%
CMYK 100, 0, 2, 71
HSL 177°, 100%, 15%
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Deep Teal Color
Deep Teal
HEX #005F5F
RGB 0, 95, 95
RGB percentage 0%, 37%, 37%
CMYK 100, 0, 0, 63
HSL 180°, 100%, 18%
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Dull Teal Color
Dull Teal
RGB 74, 119, 119
RGB percentage 29%, 47%, 47%
CMYK 38, 0, 0, 53
HSL 180°, 25%, 43%
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Dusty Teal Color
Dusty Teal
HEX #4C9085
RGB 76, 144, 133
RGB percentage 30%, 56%, 52%
CMYK 47, 0, 7, 44
HSL 163°, 28%, 45%
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Egyptian Teal Color
Egyptian Teal
HEX #008C8D
RGB 0, 140, 141
RGB percentage 0%, 55%, 55%
CMYK 100, 1, 0, 45
HSL 178°, 100%, 28%
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Empress Teal Color
Empress Teal
HEX #10605A
RGB 16, 96, 90
RGB percentage 6%, 38%, 35%
CMYK 83.33, 0, 6.25, 62.35
HSL 174°, 71%, 22%
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Gray Teal Color
Gray Teal
RGB 94, 155, 138
RGB percentage 37%, 61%, 54%
CMYK 39, 0, 11, 39
HSL 158°, 25%, 48%
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Hooker Green Color
Hooker Green
HEX #49796B
RGB 73, 121, 107
RGB percentage 29%, 47%, 42%
CMYK 40, 0, 12, 53
HSL 147°, 25%, 41%
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Jungle Green Color
Jungle Green
HEX #29AB87
RGB 41, 171, 135
RGB percentage 16%, 67%, 53%
CMYK 76, 0, 21, 33
HSL 153°, 62%, 44%
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Largo Teal Color
Largo Teal
HEX #23777B
RGB 35, 115, 123
RGB percentage 14%, 45%, 48%
CMYK 71.54, 3.25, 0, 51
HSL 186°, 56%, 32%
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Light Sea Green Color
Light Sea Green
RGB 32, 178, 170
RGB percentage 13%, 70%, 67%
CMYK 82, 0, 5, 30
HSL 175°, 69%, 41%
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Marine Teal Color
Marine Teal
HEX #008384
RGB 0, 131, 132
RGB percentage 0%, 51%, 52%
CMYK 100, 1, 0, 48
HSL 181°, 100%, 26%
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Medium Turquoise Color
Medium Turquoise
RGB 72, 209, 204
RGB percentage 28%, 82%, 80%
CMYK 66, 0, 2, 18
HSL 178°, 60%, 55%
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Metallic Seaweed Color
Metallic Seaweed
RGB 10, 126, 140
RGB percentage 4%, 49%, 55%
CMYK 93, 10, 0, 45
HSL 191°, 86%, 28%
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Midnight Green Color
Midnight Green
HEX #004953
RGB 0, 73, 83
RGB percentage 0%, 29%, 33%
CMYK 100, 12, 0, 67
HSL 191°, 100%, 16%
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Mountain Meadow Color
Mountain Meadow
RGB 48, 186, 143
RGB percentage 19%, 73%, 56%
CMYK 74, 0, 23, 27
HSL 151°, 59%, 47%
Navy Teal Color
Navy Teal
HEX #20576E
RGB 255, 0, 0
RGB percentage 13%, 22%, 28%
CMYK 71, 21, 0, 57
HSL 198°, 55%, 28%
Pale Teal Color
Pale Teal
RGB 130, 203, 178
RGB percentage 51%, 80%, 70%
CMYK 36, 0, 12, 20
HSL 162°, 38%, 65%
Persian Green Color
Persian Green
HEX #00A693
RGB 0, 166, 147
RGB percentage 0%, 65%, 58%
CMYK 100, 0, 11, 35
HSL 168°, 100%, 32%
Pine Green Color
Pine Green
HEX #01796F
RGB 1, 121, 111
RGB percentage 0%, 47%, 44%
CMYK 100, 0, 8, 53
HSL 176°, 98%, 24%
Rich Black Color
Rich Black
HEX #004040
RGB 0, 64, 64
RGB percentage 0%, 25%, 25%
CMYK 100, 0, 0, 75
HSL 180°, 100%, 13%
Skobeloff Color
HEX #007474
RGB 0, 116, 116
RGB percentage 0%, 45%, 45%
CMYK 100, 0, 0, 54
HSL 180°, 100%, 23%
Steel Teal Color
Steel Teal
RGB 95, 138, 139
RGB percentage 37%, 54%, 55%
CMYK 32, 1, 0, 45
HSL 181°, 19%, 47%
Teal Bayou Color
Teal Bayou
HEX #57A1A0
RGB 87, 161, 160
RGB percentage 34%, 63%, 63%
CMYK 46, 0, 1, 37
HSL 178°, 32%, 47%
Teal Blue Color
Teal Blue
HEX #367588
RGB 54, 117, 136
RGB percentage 21%, 46%, 53%
CMYK 60, 14, 0, 47
HSL 192°, 43%, 38%
Teal Green Color
Teal Green
HEX #00827F
RGB 0, 130, 127
RGB percentage 0%, 51%, 50%
CMYK 100, 0, 3, 49
HSL 178°, 100%, 25%
Tropical Teal Color
Tropical Teal
HEX #008794
RGB 0, 135, 148
RGB percentage 0%, 53%, 58%
CMYK 100, 9, 0, 42
HSL 185°, 100%, 29%
Trumpet Teal Color
Trumpet Teal
RGB 90, 125, 122
RGB percentage 35%, 49%, 48%
CMYK 28, 0, 2, 51
HSL 173°, 14%, 45%
Turquoise Color
HEX #40E0D0
RGB 64, 224, 208
RGB percentage 25%, 88%, 82%
CMYK 71, 0, 7, 12
HSL 174°, 72%, 56%
Viridian Color
HEX #40826D
RGB 64, 130, 109
RGB percentage 25%, 51%, 43%
CMYK 51, 0, 16, 49
HSL 147°, 34%, 41%
Shades of Teal Color Table
Color | HEX | RGB | RGB Percentage | CMYK | HSL |
Teal | #008080 | 0, 128, 128 | 0%, 50%, 50% | 100, 0, 0, 50 | 180°, 100%, 25% |
Aquamarine | #7FFFD4 | 127, 255, 212 | 50%, 100%, 83% | 50, 0, 17, 0 | 160°, 100%, 75% |
Bright Teal | #01F9C6 | 1, 249, 198 | 0%, 98%, 78% | 100, 0, 20, 2 | 169°, 99%, 49% |
Cadet Blue | #5F9EA0 | 95, 158, 160 | 37%, 62%, 63% | 40, 1, 0, 37 | 182°, 25%, 50% |
Caribbean Green | #00CC99 | 0, 204, 153 | 0%, 80%, 60% | 100, 0, 25, 20 | 162°, 100%, 40% |
Common Teal | #009193 | 0, 145, 147 | 0%, 57%, 58% | 100, 1, 0, 42 | 178°, 100%, 29% |
Crystal Teal | #00637C | 0, 99, 124 | 0%, 39%, 49% | 100, 20, 0, 51 | 194°, 100%, 24% |
Dark Teal | #045D5D | 4, 93, 93 | 2%, 36%, 36% | 96, 0, 0, 64 | 180°, 92%, 19% |
Dark Teal | #014D4E | 1, 77, 78 | 0%, 30%, 31% | 99, 1, 0, 69 | 179°, 98%, 15% |
Deep Jungle Green | #004B49 | 0, 75, 73 | 0%, 29%, 29% | 100, 0, 2, 71 | 177°, 100%, 15% |
Deep Teal | #005F5F | 0, 95, 95 | 0%, 37%, 37% | 100, 0, 0, 63 | 180°, 100%, 18% |
Dull Teal | #5F9E8F | 74, 119, 119 | 29%, 47%, 47% | 38, 0, 0, 53 | 180°, 25%, 43% |
Dusty Teal | #4C9085 | 76, 144, 133 | 30%, 56%, 52% | 47, 0, 7, 44 | 163°, 28%, 45% |
Egyptian Teal | #008C8D | 0, 140, 141 | 0%, 55%, 55% | 100, 1, 0, 45 | 178°, 100%, 28% |
Empress Teal | #10605A | 16, 96, 90 | 6%, 38%, 35% | 83.33, 0, 6.25, 62.35 | 174°, 71%, 22% |
Gray Teal | #5E9B8A | 94, 155, 138 | 37%, 61%, 54% | 39, 0, 11, 39 | 158°, 25%, 48% |
Hooker Green | #49796B | 73, 121, 107 | 29%, 47%, 42% | 40, 0, 12, 53 | 147°, 25%, 41% |
Jungle Green | #29AB87 | 41, 171, 135 | 16%, 67%, 53% | 76, 0, 21, 33 | 153°, 62%, 44% |
Largo Teal | #23777B | 35, 115, 123 | 14%, 45%, 48% | 71.54, 3.25, 0, 51 | 186°, 56%, 32% |
Light Sea Green | #20B2AA | 32, 178, 170 | 13%, 70%, 67% | 82, 0, 5, 30 | 175°, 69%, 41% |
Marine Teal | #008384 | 0, 131, 132 | 0%, 51%, 52% | 100, 1, 0, 48 | 181°, 100%, 26% |
Medium Turquoise | #48D1CC | 72, 209, 204 | 28%, 82%, 80% | 66, 0, 2, 18 | 178°, 60%, 55% |
Metallic Seaweed | #0A7E8C | 10, 126, 140 | 4%, 49%, 55% | 93, 10, 0, 45 | 191°, 86%, 28% |
Midnight Green | #004953 | 0, 73, 83 | 0%, 29%, 33% | 100, 12, 0, 67 | 191°, 100%, 16% |
Mountain Meadow | #30BA8F | 48, 186, 143 | 19%, 73%, 56% | 74, 0, 23, 27 | 151°, 59%, 47% |
Navy Teal | #20576E | 255, 0, 0 | 13%, 22%, 28% | 71, 21, 0, 57 | 198°, 55%, 28% |
Pale Teal | #82CBB2 | 130, 203, 178 | 51%, 80%, 70% | 36, 0, 12, 20 | 162°, 38%, 65% |
Persian Green | #00A693 | 0, 166, 147 | 0%, 65%, 58% | 100, 0, 11, 35 | 168°, 100%, 32% |
Pine Green | #01796F | 1, 121, 111 | 0%, 47%, 44% | 100, 0, 8, 53 | 176°, 98%, 24% |
Rich Black | #004040 | 0, 64, 64 | 0%, 25%, 25% | 100, 0, 0, 75 | 180°, 100%, 13% |
Skobeloff | #007474 | 0, 116, 116 | 0%, 45%, 45% | 100, 0, 0, 54 | 180°, 100%, 23% |
Steel Teal | #5F8A8B | 95, 138, 139 | 37%, 54%, 55% | 32, 1, 0, 45 | 181°, 19%, 47% |
Teal Bayou | #57A1A0 | 87, 161, 160 | 34%, 63%, 63% | 46, 0, 1, 37 | 178°, 32%, 47% |
Teal Blue | #367588 | 54, 117, 136 | 21%, 46%, 53% | 60, 14, 0, 47 | 192°, 43%, 38% |
Teal Green | #00827F | 0, 130, 127 | 0%, 51%, 50% | 100, 0, 3, 49 | 178°, 100%, 25% |
Tropical Teal | #008794 | 0, 135, 148 | 0%, 53%, 58% | 100, 9, 0, 42 | 185°, 100%, 29% |
Trumpet Teal | #5A7D7A | 90, 125, 122 | 35%, 49%, 48% | 28, 0, 2, 51 | 173°, 14%, 45% |
Turquoise | #40E0D0 | 64, 224, 208 | 25%, 88%, 82% | 71, 0, 7, 12 | 174°, 72%, 56% |
Viridian | #40826D | 64, 130, 109 | 25%, 51%, 43% | 51, 0, 16, 49 | 147°, 34%, 41% |
What is Teal?
Teal is a greenish-blue color, named after the Eurasian teal bird (Anas crecca), which displays a similar-colored stripe on its head. Teal can be created by blending cyan into a green base or deepening the shade with black or gray. Its complementary color is pink, and it is part of the first group of 16 HTML/CSS web colors formulated in 1987. In the RGB model, teal is made by reducing the brightness of cyan to about one-half.
The term "teal" was first recorded as a color name in English in 1917. It originates from the Middle English word "tele," akin to the Dutch "taling" and the Middle Low German "telink." There are several variations of teal, including teal blue, teal green, and deep sea green.
Teal gained popularity as a fad color in the 1990s, with many sports teams adopting it for their uniforms. In the 1950s and 1960s, teal blue was also heavily used in interior design, drawing from the Plochere Color System, a color system developed in 1948.
In culture, teal has been associated with various fields such as aviation, rapid transit, flags, business, insects, sports, computing, film, TV series, religion, politics, art history, and issue awareness, such as ovarian cancer.
Teal Color Palettes
Here's a punch of useful teal color palettes that will work as a great inspiration for any projects from home decoration to branding. Teal color is a great choice as it’s well-balanced, pleasant to the eye, and looks elegant in both dark and light tones.
Teal color palette
Purple and teal color palette
Dark teal color palette
Pastel teal color palette

Teal terracotta color palette

Turquoise teal color palette

Aegean teal color palette

Teal and pink color palette

FAQ about Shades of Teal Color
Is teal a shade of blue or green?
Teal is a shade that lies between blue and green. It has characteristics of both colors, which is why it is often described as a blue-green color.
What are the different shades of teal?
There are many different shades of teal, ranging from lighter hues like aqua and turquoise to darker shades like dark teal and peacock. The exact number of shades may vary depending on individual perception and color classifications.
Is aqua a shade of teal?
Yes, aqua is a lighter shade of teal that leans more towards the blue side of the spectrum. It is often used interchangeably with turquoise.
Is dark teal a shade of green?
Dark teal is a darker shade of teal and has more green in it than lighter shades of teal. Even though it still retains its blue-green nature, it can appear more green depending on the lighting and surrounding colors.
Is teal a shade of cyan?
Teal and cyan are related but distinct colors. Cyan is a shade that lies between blue and green, much like teal, but it is generally brighter and more saturated. Teal is a darker, more muted shade compared to cyan.
What shade of color is teal?
Teal is a medium shade of blue-green color that is neither too light nor too dark. Its precise hue can vary, but it typically combines the calming qualities of blue with the refreshing and natural aspects of green.
How many shades of teal are there?
The exact number of shades of teal is subjective, as it depends on individual perception and color classifications. However, there are numerous shades ranging from light to dark, each with their unique characteristics.
What shade of blue is similar to teal?
Shades of blue that are similar to teal include turquoise and aquamarine. These colors have a blue-green hue that is reminiscent of teal, though they might lean more towards the blue side of the spectrum.
What colors go well with teal?
Teal is a versatile color that can be paired with various shades, such as white, gray, cream, and even shades of brown. The choice of complementary colors depends on personal preference and the desired mood or atmosphere.
FAQ about Teal Color
What color is teal?
Teal is a blue-green color that sits between blue and green on the color spectrum. It is a vibrant and versatile hue that can range from a light, almost turquoise shade to a darker, more greenish-blue color.
Is teal blue or green?
Teal is a mix of blue and green, with a slightly greater emphasis on blue. However, depending on the specific shade, it can appear more greenish or more blueish.
What colors make teal?
To create teal, mix blue and green paint or pigment in roughly equal proportions, with a slightly greater amount of blue. You can also add a touch of white or gray to lighten or darken the shade as desired.
What colors go with teal?
Teal pairs well with various colors, including neutrals like white, gray, and black. It also complements warm colors like coral, gold, and rust, as well as cool hues such as navy blue, purple, and silver.
What colors go with teal clothes?
When styling teal clothes, consider pairing them with neutrals like white, gray, or black for a classic look. For a bolder approach, try colors like coral, gold, rust, navy blue, or purple.
How do I make teal paint or icing?
To make teal paint or icing, mix equal parts of blue and green paint or food coloring, adding slightly more blue. Adjust the shade with white or gray as desired, and use small amounts to avoid drastically altering the color.
What is the difference between teal and turquoise?
Both teal and turquoise are hues of blue-green. Teal leans more towards blue, while turquoise is closer to green. Teal is generally darker and more saturated than turquoise, which has a lighter, brighter appearance.
What does the color teal represent?
Teal symbolizes tranquility, balance, and sophistication. It is often associated with water, making it a popular choice for coastal and aquatic-themed designs.
What colors complement teal?
Colors that complement teal include warm hues like coral, gold, and rust, as well as cool tones such as navy blue, purple, and silver. Neutrals like white, gray, and black also pair well with teal.
What color shoes should I wear with a teal dress?
When choosing shoes to wear with a teal dress, consider metallics like gold, silver, or bronze for a dressy look. For a more casual style, opt for neutrals like nude, black, or white. If you're feeling bold, choose a complementary color like coral or purple.
What color goes with teal blue?
Teal blue pairs well with various colors, including warm hues like coral, gold, and rust, as well as cool shades like navy blue, purple, and silver. Neutrals like white, gray, and black also work well with teal blue.
Is teal and turquoise the same color?
Teal and turquoise are not the same color, although they are both blue-green hues. Teal is generally darker and leans more towards blue, while turquoise is lighter and closer to green.
What does the color teal mean spiritually?
Spiritually, the color teal represents balance, harmony, and emotional healing. It is connected to the throat chakra, which relates to communication, self-expression, and truth. Teal encourages introspection, self-awareness, and emotional growth.
What color cancels out teal hair?
To neutralize teal hair, use a color opposite teal on the color wheel, such as a reddish-orange or a warm-toned brown. A color-depositing shampoo or conditioner with these tones can help counteract the teal and restore your hair to a more natural hue.
What colors go with dark teal?
Dark teal pairs well with various colors, including warm hues like burnt orange, mustard yellow, and deep burgundy. Cool tones like navy blue, charcoal gray, and plum also complement dark teal. Neutrals like cream, beige, and taupe can create a sophisticated look when paired with dark teal.
Is teal a shade of blue or green?
Teal is a shade that sits between blue and green on the color spectrum, with a slightly greater emphasis on blue. Depending on the specific shade, teal can appear more greenish or more blueish.
What color goes with teal green?
Teal green pairs well with various colors, including warm hues like rust, gold, and coral, as well as cool shades like navy blue, purple, and silver. Neutrals like white, gray, and black also complement teal green.
What colors do teal and purple make?
Teal and purple create a deep, rich hue that leans towards a dark blue or blue-gray color. It depends on the specific shades of teal and purple used. This color can be an elegant and sophisticated addition to various design palettes.
What colors match with teal?
Colors that match with teal include warm hues like coral, gold, and rust, as well as cool tones such as navy blue, purple, and silver. Neutrals like white, gray, and black also work well with teal, providing balance and contrast.
What color shoes with a teal dress?
When choosing shoes to wear with a teal dress, consider metallics like gold, silver, or bronze for a dressy look. For a more casual style, opt for neutrals like nude, black, or white. If you're feeling bold, choose a complementary color like coral or purple.
How to mix teal paint?
To mix teal paint, combine blue and green paint in roughly equal proportions, with a slightly greater amount of blue. Adjust the shade by adding small amounts of white or gray paint if desired, and mix thoroughly to achieve an even color.
What does teal color mean?
Teal is a color that symbolizes tranquility, balance, and sophistication. It is often associated with water, making it a popular choice for coastal and aquatic-themed designs.
What is teal blue color?
Teal blue is a variation of teal that leans more towards the blue side of the color spectrum. It is a versatile hue that can range from a lighter, almost turquoise shade to a darker, more greenish-blue color. Teal blue is often associated with sophistication and tranquility, making it a popular choice for interior design and fashion.
Wrapping it up
Teal is a captivating and inspiring color that bridges the gap between blue and green, offering endless possibilities for creative expression. Its versatility allows it to be paired with a variety of hues, creating diverse aesthetics that can either energize or calm a space.
As a color that embodies sophistication, balance, and tranquility, teal has become an essential component in the world of design. Whether you are aiming for a bold statement or a soothing ambiance, the shades of teal can provide the perfect harmony for your artistic vision.